Adding value to my life…

Hello friends,

As my GURU has said, “Vidya daan jivan daan hai”. So, sharing of knowledge is considered as charity, which becomes ‘Food for life’. The rationale behind this is; that enhancement of knowledge, brings the receiver in a better position to earn his living. This thought itself leads me to thank Bhumika and Nisha for taking us through this wonderful journey of 7 Habits.


I am an avid reader, but not a fast one. And so, after the birth of my child; I have had very little time for reading. So, it would have been next to impossible for me to read this book completely and decipher the knowledge in the span of a year. Thus, this workshop has definitely helped me achieve this.


Although I was aware of all the 7 habits, and practicing it in some way or the other; the workshop led to self-introspection at each stage. And sharing of examples and real life situations by my colleagues was also very enriching and gave me a deeper insight into the 7-Habits philosophy.


The habit I enjoyed learning most, was the last one – ‘Sharpen the Saw’; because it was done with a practical approach and had less of theory. Overall a wonderful experience, and I also thank the organization for giving us such amazing opportunities for Personal and Professional Development.


Warm regards,
Sejal Lal

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