Life Long Learning from the Life Classes

We all want to succeed. One path to success is identifying the habits that can help us on our journey. The book “7 habits of highly effective people” through life class helped us to identify them!

The first habit which we started with was “being proactive”. In order to be proactive we must focus on the circle of influence which lies within our circle of concern.The second habit we focused on was “Begin with the end in mind” where I learned changing some basic paradigms will help us proactively write our own values. It is also important to identify our center. Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power. Our centers affect us fundamentally — they determine our daily decisions, actions, and motivations, as well as our interpretation of events.The third habit we discussed was “Put First Things First”. Here we did an activity based on two factors: Urgent and Important which can be divided to make Four Quadrants. Out of these 4 quadrants, 2nd quadrant which is important but not urgent is at the heart of personal management. The fourth habit “Think Win-Win” helped me understand to keep the focus on results, not methods; on problems, not people. The fifth habit which is “Seek first to understand than to be understood” encouraged me to be an empathetic listener. Sixth habit “Synergize” allowed us to create new alternatives and open new possibilities. Lastly, the 7th habit “Sharpen the Saw” where I learned to think upon and reflect on my own self.



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