Art is a medium between what we know and how we ‘feel’!!!

I always wanted to explore this area but never got this wonderful opportunity. So basically I’m jotting down my reflection in form of points and not paragraphs… Here’s a reflection of my learning during this impressive journey of Art and Skills classes:

  • It enhanced my creativity
  • I learnt different ways of expressing emotions
  • I always looked forward to attending arts and skills class as I learned new techniques of the minutest thing in every session.
  • I was unaware of the difference between simple poster color and acrylic color, yes that’s right! I thought both can be used for any painting… It’s like ‘ye nahi toh woh’. But damn, I was so wrong.
  • It taught me how to use specific things for a specific purpose.
  • A lot of my attention was focused on one task. Which led to nagging and pushing the participants to go for a break by our facilitators, literally! (as rightly mentioned by Neha in her write-up)
  • We got such cool facilitators who allowed us to do anything of our choice (only if we were done with our tasks ;-)).
  • I was really skeptical of how will this oil painting turn out but that was my best work out of all the experiments done by me 🙂
  • The good thing is it doesn’t only focus on drawing and painting but a lot of other things. To know more, join this magnificent journey of arts…
  • I would like to continue with this but exploring different areas, coming out of comfort zone is what life is! Wish I could do more of it….but it ends here!!!

I’ll miss attending Art and Skills class…our lovely facilitators and all the energetic participants.

Thanks for everything dearies!!!

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