
Unveiling Unforseen Places

Today received an opportunity to visit SRK house Govind Dholakiya. We were warmed welcome by Dholakiya family. We were introduced the rootes of Family and the concept of living life with spreading happiness. Vision is most important thing for any business or life

The social work done by SRK was incredible. I like the way of upbringing concept in their child to face real world situation with rare contact of family to understand the world.

The lines of Govindkaka Chalse, Bhavase, Gamase, Favase and Dodase was the simplest, easy way to live healthy life style.

Unveiling Unseen Places

Day 1 & 2 of exploration

Day 1 –

Having visited KG Farm countless times, I thought I knew its every corner. But today, strolling alone, I was exposed to nature’s obvious yet hidden treasures. The sound of the wind whispered secrets through the trees, while birds sang melodies that felt like a private concert. Beautiful butterflies flitted around me, painting the air with their delicate wings. It was a moment of pure serenity, an unforgettable memory etched into my heart as I embraced the wonders of nature’s embrace.

Day 2 –

Meeting the Dholakia family was unforgettable. Their warm welcome, inspiring struggles, and dedication to giving back showcased true Indian family values. Listening to their stories, we learned how they uplift the needy through their ventures and donations. This experience deeply impressed everyone, convincing us to strive to be better individuals for our families and society. The Dholakias exemplify what it means to live a life of service and integrity.

Unveiling Unseen Places

Visiting the Dholakia family was a remarkable experience. I had never encountered such a large and tightly-knit family before. Their deep sense of unity and unwavering support for one another was truly inspiring. Each family member shared their stories with genuine warmth and joy, creating a heartfelt atmosphere that felt both rare and precious in today’s world. The key takeaway from this trip was a newfound desire to organize a family reunion that goes beyond mere formality. I want to create a gathering where genuine involvement and heartfelt connection are at the forefront, much like the authentic unity and warmth I experienced with the Dholakia family.

Unveiling Unseen Places Day 1 and 2

Day 1:

Our nature walk to KG Farm today was a revelation. Despite having visited many times before, this time we saw it in a completely different light. The melodies of the birds’ songs filled the air, creating a symphony that was both soothing and invigorating.

We marveled at the variety of butterflies, each more vibrant than the last, fluttering gracefully among the colorful flowers. The rich biodiversity of the farm, often overlooked, was on full display, reminding us of the delicate balance of nature.

This experience brought a profound sense of peace and calmness, allowing us to reconnect with the natural world. It was a gentle reminder of the beauty that surrounds us, often hidden in plain sight.

I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to rediscover KG Farm and to appreciate its wonders anew.


Traveling to new places has always been a passion of mine. The thrill of exploring new locations is matched only by the joy of meeting the people who live there and learning from their experiences. Today, I had the privilege of visiting a home that was nothing short of a grand mansion, but the true highlight of the day was the interactions and learning from the wonderful people we met there.

This experience was a powerful reminder of how deeply family values and personal philosophies can influence not just individuals, but also subsequent generations. Witnessing firsthand the impact of these principles was truly inspiring and has given me much to ponder.

This visit marks a fantastic beginning to the exciting journey we have embarked upon in our life class. I am confident that incorporating some of the insights gained today will bring about meaningful changes in our lives.

I am profoundly grateful to my facilitators and FS for providing this incredible opportunity. Thank you for enabling such enriching experiences that promise to shape our futures in profound ways.

Journey to be a better person with ‘Unveiling the Unseen Places’ LC

Day 1: Visit to KG Farm
The silent walk in all-known KG Farm allowed me to note the various colourful and cheerful creatures around me, like butterflies, insects, flowers, half eaten fruits, leaves of various shades and shapes, making me realize that I am surrounded by different people of different qualities and needs and I need to fit in them to be the Part of Beautiful Picture painted by the Nature.

Day 2 : Visit to Dholakia House

The walk through journey through the Cultural and Eventful life in the Dholakia House was awakening and inspiring to me, motivating me to be more close to my family and culture. Being bonded still finding path to Grow was my addition to core values.

Exploring New Horizons: Reflections on the First Two Days of Life Classes

The year’s life classes began with a fresh perspective, exploring new places with renewed curiosity. Here’s a glimpse into my experiences from the first two days.

Day 1 kicked off with a “getting to know each other” activity that felt a bit monotonous in the beginning. However, the visit to KG Farm transformed the day. Immersed in nature, I was captivated by the diverse bird species, vibrant flowers, and the myriad colors and shapes around me. It was a refreshing reminder of how rarely we take time to appreciate nature’s beauty in our hectic lives. The experience left me yearning to spend more time in nature, though it often feels like time is never enough. The day concluded with a valuable opportunity to bond with fellow participants and deepen our understanding of nature’s significance in our lives.

Day 2 offered a new adventure at the Dholakia House. I had heard much about the family from Surat but never imagined I would have the chance to visit them through Unveiling Unseen Places Life Classes. This visit was enlightening, providing insight into the family’s cultural values and lifestyle. It resonated deeply with the mission statement, “To nurture leaders with character and competence.” Observing how the family fosters values in their children was inspiring. I learned the importance of finding happiness within and focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. This visit was a profound learning experience, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity.

Overall, these initial days were filled with enriching experiences, and I look forward to the continued exploration and learning ahead.

Bhumika Manglani

Grade 2 Team Leader

Unveiling Unseen Places.

लाइफ क्लास की तारीखों का बदलना एक झटका देने वाली खबर दी, खासकर इसलिए कि सारी योजना बदलना मुश्किल था। इस खबर ने सभी को कुछ हद तक निराश किया था। पहले दिन हम डुमस के समर पैलेस नहीं जा सके और पूरा दिन स्कूल में या के. जी. फार्म में बिताया। हालांकि यह अनुभव भी बुरा नहीं था, प्रकृति के साथ समय बिताना हमेशा सुखद एहसास ही देता है। खैर दूसरे दिन की योजना ढोलकिया फार्म हाउस की थी, जो उन्होंने एक दिन पहले तैयारी करके सफल करने में बहुत बड़ा योगदान दिया।

वहाँ पहुँचते ही जिस अपनत्व की भावना से ढ़ोलकिया परिवार ने हमारा स्वागत किया उससे सभी भावविभोर हो गए। हमने देखा कि संयुक्त परिवार की भारतीय संस्कृति और परंपरा को इस परिवार ने कैसे आज भी जीवंत रखा है। जहाँ हम समाज में देख रहे हैं कि पाँच- सात लोग या परिवार के सदस्य मिलजुल कर प्यार से नहीं रह पाते, वहीं इस दो सौ सत्तर लोगों के परिवार में इतना प्यार और अपनापन कहाँ से आया होगा। लेकिन जो सुना था कि एक परिवार ही बच्चे को सही संस्कार देता है, उसे आज आत्मसात होते देखा और समझा। उन्होंने अपने होम थिएटर में कुछ फ़िल्में दिखाते हुए परिवार की बहुत सी परम्पराओं के बारे में जानकारी दी। वे रोज रात में खाना खाने के बाद नियमानुसार परिवार के साथ समय गुजारते हैं। हर सदस्य के जन्मदिन पर वे मिलकर एक समारोह की तरह उन्हें बधाई स्वरुप कुछ कहकर या संगीत और नृत्य के जरिए अभिवादन करते हैं। त्यौहार या किसी भी उत्सव को वे परिवार के साथ एक विशेष तरीके से मनाते हैं। यही नहीं वे समाज सेवा में भी पूरा योगदान देते हैं। जैसे अपने बच्चे के जन्मदिन पर उन्होंने कई कैंसर पीढ़ित बच्चों की आखिरी ख्वाईश पूरी करने के लिए उन्हें शॉपिंग करवाई और हवाईजहाज में सफर करने का अवसर दिया। गोविंद दादा ने अपने गाँव में स्कूल खोले, चिकित्सा की सुविधा दी, सभी घरों में सोलार पैनल लगवाकर बिजली की समस्या दूर की। वहाँ के सभी लोगों को लैपटॉप दिया जिससे वे बाहरी दुनिया से जुड़ पाएँ, यही नहीं वाई फाई की सुविधा भी की। डांग जिले में हनुमान जी के 180 मंदिरों के निर्माण में उनका योगदान है, यही नहीं बल्कि मंदिर बनवाने के साथ उन्होंने वहाँ रहने वाले लोगों की नशे की लत भी छुड़वाई। 

उनके घर में ऐसे कई नियम हैं जो बच्चों में सही संस्कार पैदा करते हैं जैसे उनके घर की लड़कियाँ दो साल के लिए हॉस्टल या अपने किसी रिश्तेदार के घर पर रहने और पढ़ने जाती हैं, जिससे वे अपने घर के अतिरिक्त नए माहौल में ढलने के लिए तैयार होती हैं। वहीं लड़के एक महीने के लिए सिर्फ 5 हजार की रकम और बिना फ़ोन के अपने माता पिता की जानकारी के बगैर एक नए स्थान पर भेज दिए जाते हैं जहाँ वे छोटी मोती नौकरी करके अपने बल पर जीवनयापन करते हैं। उन्हें किसी के सामने अपनी पहचान जाहिर करने की अनुमति नहीं है। तीन हफ्ते में तीन नौकरी और चौथे हफ्ते कोई व्यापार करके जब वे घर लौटते हैं तो प्यार और सम्मान से उनका स्वागत होता है। बच्चों के लिए ऐसे नियम बनाते हुए या उनका पालन करते हुए माता पिता को अपने दिल को कितना कठोर बनाना पड़ता होगा, मैं इसी विचार से भावुक हुए जा रही थी। लेकिन यही कारण था शायद कि परिवार के जितने बच्चे हमारी नजरों के सामने थे उनमे से किसी के चेहरे पर घमंड नहीं था बल्कि जमीन से जुड़े होने का ही भाव था।  मैं ही नहीं, परंतु हम सब भावुक हो रहे थे और कुछ न कुछ सीखने, समझने और अपनाने के बारे में सोच रहे थे। लौटते हुए मन में यही विचार आ रहा था कि इस परिवार में जन्म लेना कितने सौभाग्य की बात है। 

Unveiling Unseen Places

Day 1 of life class:

Visiting K.G Farm with a fresh perspective was a truly tranquil experience. Previously, our explorations of K.G Farm were driven by specific objectives, but this time, approaching it with an open mind and no set plans allowed me to fully immerse myself in its beauty. As I wandered among the lush green leaves, vibrant flowers, and ripening fruits, I was captivated by the diverse tapestry of life around me. The experience of strolling along the trail, feeling the cool breeze gently brush against my skin, and embracing the weather in its prime was nothing short of mesmerizing. It was a moment of pure connection with nature, free from distractions and filled with awe. I look forward to discovering more places like K.G Farm, where the simple act of being present can unveil the hidden wonders of the world.

Day 2 of our life class began with a bang! We had the opportunity to visit a place brimming with heritage, culture, legacy, love, and respect: Dholakia Farm, owned by the esteemed Dholakia family and businessman Govind ji Dholakia. Surrounded by lush green trees, we entered a serene and peaceful environment. The people welcomed us with warm smiles and greeted us with folded hands.Our first stop was a sacred place where a ‘Havan’ was being performed, a part of their daily routine. We were then guided to an area displaying their family photo and an ancient chest. I was in awe to learn that their family comprises 1,500 members who gather every year during Navratri. Admiring the beautiful architecture, we moved toward the dining area where breakfast was being prepared. The setup was exquisite, with tea brewed on a natural stove and a variety of authentic Gujarati food awaiting us. We were served with utmost love and encouraged to taste everything. Family members themselves served us with smiles, embodying the principle of ‘અતિથિ દેવો ભવઃ’ (Atithi Devo Bhava – The guest is God).Next, we visited the ‘ગૌશલા’ (gaushala) where we experienced a profound sense of peace while feeding the cows and learned about their organic farming and other sustainable practices. We were then taken on e-cars to their sports grounds, where we observed impressive sports tournament organization and the Geetha Rath.Returning to the main farm, we delved into the long legacy and traditions upheld by the family to train children for real life. The combination of love, care, respect, and holistic training at Dholakia Farm made this visit an unforgettable experience.

Unveiling Unseen Places

Visiting the Dholakiya family’s home today was a truly heartwarming experience, and it made me appreciate the true meaning of a home, which lies in the presence of a loving family. The saying “A home is where the family is” perfectly captures this sentiment. I realized that the family’s values are a testament to their character and upbringing. One important lesson I took away from this visit is the importance of generosity—specifically, giving 5 to 10% of our earnings to those in need. This act of kindness provides a profound sense of fulfillment and inner happiness, far surpassing the fleeting satisfaction that material possessions offer.

Unveiling Unseen Places Day 1&2

What an amazing beginning of Life Class!!

It would be undershoot if I said that we had a kickstart. From the unforeseen changes of bringing the life class a day earlier to coming out after meeting Dholakiya family and learning about their values and culture, was an amazing experience.

On day 1 we visited KG Farm, only this time it wasn’t with our students but for unveiling the place itself. Although we had seen KG Farm many a times before but this was a different experience because we explored the KG Farm on our own and observed the nature via a lens we hadn’t before. The uncountable species of butterflies, trees and all its flora and fauna were absolutely stunning. The monsoon winds only enhanced the beauty of the surrounding.

Day 2 began with trip to Dholakia family in Katargam area, and it struck all of us in awe since the moment we entered the gates of the house. A very warm welcome by the family members themselves made us feel special. They escorted us to a temple first where a Pooja was being held which is a ritual they follow everyday. Post the Pooja we saw their ancestral artefacts and a family portrait of over 1500 people clicked in 2019. Delicious Breakfast followed soon and we moved to see different parts of the estate they had. The family members showed us the videos of different functions they hold such as Ramnavmi, Navratri, RakshaBandhan and how it helps connect all the people of the family. We saw how the SRK foundation is working for the people and how Mr. Dholakia and his family truly believes in giving back to society and working towards betterment of all.

The experience of these 2 days was amazing and mind blowing and opened my mind to many aspects that I had not thought before one of which was service in such a direct way.

Visiting these places have truly unveiled something in me which I hope to discover throughout this journey.

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