Journey to be a better person with ‘Unveiling the Unseen Places’ LC

Day 1: Visit to KG Farm
The silent walk in all-known KG Farm allowed me to note the various colourful and cheerful creatures around me, like butterflies, insects, flowers, half eaten fruits, leaves of various shades and shapes, making me realize that I am surrounded by different people of different qualities and needs and I need to fit in them to be the Part of Beautiful Picture painted by the Nature.

Day 2 : Visit to Dholakia House

The walk through journey through the Cultural and Eventful life in the Dholakia House was awakening and inspiring to me, motivating me to be more close to my family and culture. Being bonded still finding path to Grow was my addition to core values.

Exploring New Horizons: Reflections on the First Two Days of Life Classes

The year’s life classes began with a fresh perspective, exploring new places with renewed curiosity. Here’s a glimpse into my experiences from the first two days.

Day 1 kicked off with a “getting to know each other” activity that felt a bit monotonous in the beginning. However, the visit to KG Farm transformed the day. Immersed in nature, I was captivated by the diverse bird species, vibrant flowers, and the myriad colors and shapes around me. It was a refreshing reminder of how rarely we take time to appreciate nature’s beauty in our hectic lives. The experience left me yearning to spend more time in nature, though it often feels like time is never enough. The day concluded with a valuable opportunity to bond with fellow participants and deepen our understanding of nature’s significance in our lives.

Day 2 offered a new adventure at the Dholakia House. I had heard much about the family from Surat but never imagined I would have the chance to visit them through Unveiling Unseen Places Life Classes. This visit was enlightening, providing insight into the family’s cultural values and lifestyle. It resonated deeply with the mission statement, “To nurture leaders with character and competence.” Observing how the family fosters values in their children was inspiring. I learned the importance of finding happiness within and focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. This visit was a profound learning experience, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity.

Overall, these initial days were filled with enriching experiences, and I look forward to the continued exploration and learning ahead.

Bhumika Manglani

Grade 2 Team Leader

Unveiling Unseen Places.

लाइफ क्लास की तारीखों का बदलना एक झटका देने वाली खबर दी, खासकर इसलिए कि सारी योजना बदलना मुश्किल था। इस खबर ने सभी को कुछ हद तक निराश किया था। पहले दिन हम डुमस के समर पैलेस नहीं जा सके और पूरा दिन स्कूल में या के. जी. फार्म में बिताया। हालांकि यह अनुभव भी बुरा नहीं था, प्रकृति के साथ समय बिताना हमेशा सुखद एहसास ही देता है। खैर दूसरे दिन की योजना ढोलकिया फार्म हाउस की थी, जो उन्होंने एक दिन पहले तैयारी करके सफल करने में बहुत बड़ा योगदान दिया।

वहाँ पहुँचते ही जिस अपनत्व की भावना से ढ़ोलकिया परिवार ने हमारा स्वागत किया उससे सभी भावविभोर हो गए। हमने देखा कि संयुक्त परिवार की भारतीय संस्कृति और परंपरा को इस परिवार ने कैसे आज भी जीवंत रखा है। जहाँ हम समाज में देख रहे हैं कि पाँच- सात लोग या परिवार के सदस्य मिलजुल कर प्यार से नहीं रह पाते, वहीं इस दो सौ सत्तर लोगों के परिवार में इतना प्यार और अपनापन कहाँ से आया होगा। लेकिन जो सुना था कि एक परिवार ही बच्चे को सही संस्कार देता है, उसे आज आत्मसात होते देखा और समझा। उन्होंने अपने होम थिएटर में कुछ फ़िल्में दिखाते हुए परिवार की बहुत सी परम्पराओं के बारे में जानकारी दी। वे रोज रात में खाना खाने के बाद नियमानुसार परिवार के साथ समय गुजारते हैं। हर सदस्य के जन्मदिन पर वे मिलकर एक समारोह की तरह उन्हें बधाई स्वरुप कुछ कहकर या संगीत और नृत्य के जरिए अभिवादन करते हैं। त्यौहार या किसी भी उत्सव को वे परिवार के साथ एक विशेष तरीके से मनाते हैं। यही नहीं वे समाज सेवा में भी पूरा योगदान देते हैं। जैसे अपने बच्चे के जन्मदिन पर उन्होंने कई कैंसर पीढ़ित बच्चों की आखिरी ख्वाईश पूरी करने के लिए उन्हें शॉपिंग करवाई और हवाईजहाज में सफर करने का अवसर दिया। गोविंद दादा ने अपने गाँव में स्कूल खोले, चिकित्सा की सुविधा दी, सभी घरों में सोलार पैनल लगवाकर बिजली की समस्या दूर की। वहाँ के सभी लोगों को लैपटॉप दिया जिससे वे बाहरी दुनिया से जुड़ पाएँ, यही नहीं वाई फाई की सुविधा भी की। डांग जिले में हनुमान जी के 180 मंदिरों के निर्माण में उनका योगदान है, यही नहीं बल्कि मंदिर बनवाने के साथ उन्होंने वहाँ रहने वाले लोगों की नशे की लत भी छुड़वाई। 

उनके घर में ऐसे कई नियम हैं जो बच्चों में सही संस्कार पैदा करते हैं जैसे उनके घर की लड़कियाँ दो साल के लिए हॉस्टल या अपने किसी रिश्तेदार के घर पर रहने और पढ़ने जाती हैं, जिससे वे अपने घर के अतिरिक्त नए माहौल में ढलने के लिए तैयार होती हैं। वहीं लड़के एक महीने के लिए सिर्फ 5 हजार की रकम और बिना फ़ोन के अपने माता पिता की जानकारी के बगैर एक नए स्थान पर भेज दिए जाते हैं जहाँ वे छोटी मोती नौकरी करके अपने बल पर जीवनयापन करते हैं। उन्हें किसी के सामने अपनी पहचान जाहिर करने की अनुमति नहीं है। तीन हफ्ते में तीन नौकरी और चौथे हफ्ते कोई व्यापार करके जब वे घर लौटते हैं तो प्यार और सम्मान से उनका स्वागत होता है। बच्चों के लिए ऐसे नियम बनाते हुए या उनका पालन करते हुए माता पिता को अपने दिल को कितना कठोर बनाना पड़ता होगा, मैं इसी विचार से भावुक हुए जा रही थी। लेकिन यही कारण था शायद कि परिवार के जितने बच्चे हमारी नजरों के सामने थे उनमे से किसी के चेहरे पर घमंड नहीं था बल्कि जमीन से जुड़े होने का ही भाव था।  मैं ही नहीं, परंतु हम सब भावुक हो रहे थे और कुछ न कुछ सीखने, समझने और अपनाने के बारे में सोच रहे थे। लौटते हुए मन में यही विचार आ रहा था कि इस परिवार में जन्म लेना कितने सौभाग्य की बात है। 

Unveiling Unseen Places

Visiting the Dholakiya family’s home today was a truly heartwarming experience, and it made me appreciate the true meaning of a home, which lies in the presence of a loving family. The saying “A home is where the family is” perfectly captures this sentiment. I realized that the family’s values are a testament to their character and upbringing. One important lesson I took away from this visit is the importance of generosity—specifically, giving 5 to 10% of our earnings to those in need. This act of kindness provides a profound sense of fulfillment and inner happiness, far surpassing the fleeting satisfaction that material possessions offer.

Unforgettable Journey of Unveiling Unseen Places:)

1st day to KG Farm

Visiting KG Farm was like stepping into a natural paradise. As soon as I arrived, I was enveloped by the soothing sounds of nature. The gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, the melodic chirping of birds, and the distant hum of insects created a symphony that instantly calmed my senses. As I walked through the farm, I could hear the faint buzz of bees flitting from flower to flower, gathering nectar.I came across rows of fruit-laden trees, their branches heavy with ripe, juicy fruits. Visiting KG Farm was an unforgettable experience, a reminder of the simple joys and profound beauty that nature offers. It was a place where all my senses were engaged, and where I felt a profound sense of peace and harmony.

2nd day to Dolakiya Farm

Visiting Dholakiya Farm was mesmerizing. The lush greenery was stunning, but the real highlight was the people. From the moment we arrived, their warm welcome made us feel like family. It was evident they deeply value their culture, traditions, and strong family bonds.Throughout the day, I experienced their genuine kindness and generosity. Despite having access to modern luxuries, they remain grounded and treat everyone with utmost respect. Their hospitality felt like a sincere gift.This visit was life-changing, opening my eyes to the importance of kindness and human connection. The people of Dholakiya Farm reminded me of the true joys of life, centered around family and community

Unveiling Unseen Places!

Day 2 – Dholakia Farm – નવા અનુભવો, નવું વ્યક્તિવત્વ

Unveiling Unseen Places!

Today we have experienced a different place, where we got to explore new places as we learned more about generosity. That place is “Dholakia Farm” at Surat. 

On this farm, there was an opportunity to meet and know new personalities and to understand their values ​​like – ‘અનુભવો ને આવકારો’, unbreakable ties with family, society and service to every human being whether animal or bird. Equality for every human being and kindness towards each other. The confluence of all these sanskaras is Dholkia Parivar. We are thankful to Shalini Ma’am and Preeti Ma’am for giving us the opportunity for this unique journey.

The experience gained here today will be a lifelong memory along with the message of humanity that the members of this family are imparting. It will be unforgettable

Unveiling Unseen Places

Today, we enjoyed visiting Dholakiya Farmhouse, where we gained invaluable insights into their rich values and culture. For the past twenty years, they have performed a daily Hawan, fostering a pure and serene atmosphere. The family welcomed us warmly, their happiness evident in their smiles. We are deeply grateful that they took the time to share their experiences with us despite their busy schedules.

It was inspiring to see three generations living together happily, supporting one another in every aspect of life. They celebrate all cultural festivals and organize various events to teach life skills to their children. The experience was profoundly moving. Being so worthy and wealthy and having a huge staff, their children were attending and serving us. One key takeaway for me is the importance of instilling values of respect and responsibility from a young age, a lesson I hope to pass on to my grandchildren by giving them practical experience. 

The strong transmission of ancestral values to the next generations at Dholakiya Farmhouse underscores the crucial role of culture in our lives. In today’s world, adhering to our rich cultural heritage is more important than ever, as culture is the foundation of our values. 

I think Our culture is still alive because of these kind of families. Without our cultural values no one can be successful. It is our culture which teach us, as much you will give, much more you will gain. They are giving too much to the society. Atleast we can also give small happy moments to people around us.

7D Food Exploration – The Return Gift

The Return Gift

It all started with the thought of doing something with the Onam Sadya contributions. And we decided to have lunch with a bunch of kids from Jumbish. The idea behind this was simple ~ everyone deserves a good meal. 


We went to the Dome pizzeria where we didn’t only experience the process of making and eating the pizzas, but also experienced the pleasure of gifting! 


These were children most of whom have never eaten in a proper restaurant. It was a great experience to see the joy of having pizzas and pasta on their innocent faces. It was more receiving than giving this kind of gift. 


We did simple stuff together- played some games, chatted with them and had food. We had a wonderful time together. The children got mingled with us easily. 


The children told us about their families and some other things about them. They said that they enjoyed the treat and our company. Some of them said, “We have seen the pizzas on TV only, and this is the first time we are having it!” 


We had a plan to give a gift to the children, but by doing this, we actually received a gift of joy and togetherness in return! 


If the smile count is any indication we all had a jolly good time. In a very short time we felt so close to one another and while parting many of us had already started thinking about ways of meeting again.   

Community Service Group

Woah! The most pleasant season is round the corner. The chilly mornings are going to give a different sense altogether. The season delivers delectable meals, endless gratitude, and when the first winter breeze blows through the trees you can feel the magic in the air. Nevertheless, it also brings some illness if not taken care of properly. The question often occurs to me, can going from cold winter nights to bright sunny days cause harm to humans only? What about trees in such a freezing climate? From dusk to dawn, trees stand idle under the sky. Their lives are also affected as they are living creatures. In order to better serve the community, what else can be the best course of action?

Here are some glimpses of the life class’s community service project, which involved Tree Trunk Painting and adding fertilizer to the soil to replenish nutrients. Tree trunk painting is an old-time method which was adapted by us to seal trunks and protect them. Several tree trunks were painted white and red to help shield saplings and very young trees from a variety of damage like cracking, splitting of the tender new bark, which can allow introduction of disease, insects, and fungus. Furthermore, we also added fertilizer in the soil to promote healthy plant growth. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to my co-facilitator and all of the participants since this event would not have been a success without them. Many hands, different actions and one motto:

Onam Sadya : A 7D Food exploration group initiative

This was the first time I attended the 7D food explorers life class–and I would say it was one of the life classes which had the most LIFE in it. The way we connected with each other, the tears, the laughs, the stories, the emotions…all raw..unfiltered…deep, active, uninterrupted listening…actually putting into practice all that we have learnt in all the years of life classes at FS.

I never imagined that people could bond so strongly over food–everything food. For me, bonding over food was limited to eating together—but I realised that researching, talking, cooking and serving was an experience which made us bond more strongly than any other aspect of life. 

The immersion activities for the ‘D’ day–or shall I say ‘O’ day;) were very well thought of, it actually helped us connect with our emotions in a deep and meaningful manner and we were able to give our best during the prep and service on ‘O’ day. (Get the pun ‘O’ is for Orgasmic pleasure–and Onam Sadya–the food and the experience gave Orgasmic pleasure to many–especially to me 😉 

Imagine 10-12 novice cooks in the kitchen trying out new recipes for the first time- just by following Youtube videos–with no idea of the actual taste, consistency , texture or aroma–yet no shouting, no grunting, no exasperated sighs–just preparing the food with plain, pure love, smiles, hugs and embraces. It made the food what it was –‘LOVE on a Platter’–or Love on a KELA PATTA—‘Kele pe pyaar’ sounds slutty and erotic–hence we go with Love on a Kela Patta 😉

I was pleasantly surprised at how things fell into place on the day of ‘Onam Sadya’, there were many things out of place, not going according to plan, yet everything was in perfect unison–flowing like it was meant to, without hesitation, driven by love, it was love in action. I was humbled by the praises, people can be so generous with their words and actions–it made me embrace the fact–that the world revolves around love—love makes things happen–our Love for Food–made all the magic happen.

Click here to view some moments from the celebration


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