Critical Thinking- Reflection

आज हमने अलग-अलग manipulative tactics और implicit bias के बारे में सीखा | किसी भी चीज के बारे में प्रश्न उठाने से पहले हमें scientific method of questioning को apply करना चाहिए | प्रश्न करते समय हमारा पूछने का तरीका, लहज़ा और उसके बारे में supporting जानकारी का बड़ा महत्त्व होता है |

One of the most important 21st Century skills

Are we problem solvers?

Are we good decision-makers?

Do we look at something with our own bias?

Do we analyse different situations?

Answers to these questions were found in the Critical Thinking session.

Are we supposed to analyse each and every situation?

Are we supposed to think critically without emotions?

Are we supposed to get manipulated by someone or manipulate someone?

Are we supposed to have an implicit bias?

Answers to these questions were found in the Critical Thinking session.

आईना जब भी उठाया करो, पहले देखो फिर दिखाया करो

प्रतिबिंबित और संतुलन जीवन के बहुत  महत्वपूर्ण पहलू है। यह मंत्र अगर साध्य हो गया तो फिर क्या कहना ! बढ़ती हुई ज़िंदगी में बहुत कम पल होते है जहाँ हम रूकते है, सोचते है और फिर किए हुए कार्य पर प्रतिबिंब करते है। यह अवसर हमें मिला इस लाइफ क्लास में।

Implicit bias  में अन्य लोगों के दृष्टिकोण और विश्वास (सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक) शामिल होते हैं जो हमारी  जागरूकता और नियंत्रण से बाहर होते हैं, जो  जाने अंजाने हमारे व्यवहार को प्रभावित करते हैं। रुके, सोचे और आगे बढ़ें का मंत्र अपनाकर हमने अपने आपको देखना सीखा।

मैं तहेदिल से महोदया श्रद्धा और महोदय अमन जी का शुक्रिया अदा करना चाहूंगी जिन्होंने इस सफर में हमारा साथ दिया।


Critical thinking involves reasoning, evaluating and making decisions——-

I kept this critical thinking at last as an option of my life classes, because I thought that it may be heavy and overwhelming. But after attending these two days sessions I got to know that critical thinking is a disciplined process of thinking where we need to think by keeping our biases aside. In this session, we discussed Sushant Singh’s death mystery, in which we thought from different angles. Then we discussed two types of thinking fast thinking and slow thinking, after that, we discussed the five steps of critical thinking and in the second session we discussed the research task on Homeopathy, through this task we tuned into biases, that affect our life or decisions that we make. The activities and the tasks helped us to analyze everything from all the perspective and how to use it in our daily lives. The sessions were very much engaging and interesting, I am eagerly waiting for the next sessions.

Critical thinking class 1

Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas. The mind’s processes have two distinct systems: System 1 is the brain’s fast, automatic, intuitive approach. system 2 activity is activated when we do something that does not come naturally and requires some sort of conscious mental exertion. While people like to believe that they are rational and logical, the fact is that people are continually under the influence of cognitive bias. Types Of Cognitive Bias: The Confirmation Bias, The Hindsight Bias, The Anchoring Bias, The Misinformation Effect, The Actor-Observer Bias, The False Consensus Effect, The Halo Effect, The Self-Serving Bias, The Availability Heuristic, The Optimism Bias. I enjoyed a lot in critical thinking classes and learn so many thing. There were many activities that made me engaged in the sessions. All participants have shared and enjoyed. I will wait for the next critical thinking life class. I will apply these critical thinking knowledge in my life. Thanks Tabassum ma’am and Sarika Agarwal ma’am. 🙂


શરૂના બે દિવસ નો અનુભવ ખૂબ જ સરસ અને રોમાંચક રહ્યો હતો. બંને દિવસ ની સરુવાત ખુબજ સરસ પ્રવૃત્તિ થી કરવા માં આવી હતી. આ બને દિવસ માં, જીવન માં આપણા રોજિંદા વિચારો અને મુદ્દાઓ નો ખૂબજ સ્પષ્ટ અને સંક્ષિપ્ત રીતે, સરળતાથી કેવી રીતે સંચાર કરવો જોઈએ તે શીખવા અને જાણવા મળ્યું.

Critical Thinking

In this two days I learnt more about Critical Thinking and I would like to thank Kinjal ma’am and Khushboo ma’am to spread the knowledge with explicate examples. System 1 and System 2 is better way to think critical. Critical thinking help to understand and assess a situation based on all the facts and information available. After listening about Critical thinking I came to understand that it can help identify and address workflow inefficiencies, improve management techniques, guide financial decisions and cultivate a strategic mindset in almost any position.

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