Insights on Day 6_Critical Thinking Class

Day 6 Life Class on Critical thinking was an insight on different theories of ethics and a session with Parag sir. The session with our facilitators helped to understand various theories where apart from critical thinking there is something else which helps you guide the situations and the circumstances. There was a discussion on information, knowledge and wisdom. Where the main domains of wisdom were touched upon. Through the session, we could introspect the areas where emotions play a role and we make better informed choices for life.

“Exploring Paths: Reflections on Decision-Making, Beliefs, and Religion”

Religion, theories, knowledge, wisdom, or information—what do we need when making decisions? Do we require a defined path to become a better person, or can we simply go with the flow? These past two days of life class have prompted me to think more critically and reflect on my thought processes. Engaging with Vardan Sir and Parag Sir, along with sharing insights with fellow mates, has deepened my self-reflection. The group discussions and examples allowed me to analyze situations from diverse perspectives. What particularly stood out for me in the session was the confidence with which I could identify my stance as a believer, an agnostic, or an atheist.

7 Habits & Love – Alpha Day 1 to 4

Discovering the principles of the 7 habits has enhanced my ability to make sound judgments. There has been a noticeable shift in my perspective and reactions, instilling a newfound confidence and sense of control in my life. I am deeply grateful for this transformative experience and eagerly anticipate further learning.

Life classes have been a delightful blend of fun, enjoyment, and valuable lessons, significantly impacting our day-to-day lives. I want to sincerely thank Jaanvi ma’am and Munira ma’am for skillfully guiding our life class, crafting an experience that is both enjoyable and enriching.

7 Habits & Love – ALPHA (Day 1 – 4)

I want to express my gratitude to Munira madam and Jaanvi Ma’am for their insightful discussions about the book, their personal anecdotes, and the lively guitar show that really lifted our spirits. These past two days have been incredibly informative and valuable, helping us understand how adopting certain habits can significantly improve our lives.

From envisioning our ideal life to addressing the challenges we may face, from understanding the concept of primary greatness to embracing a paradigm shift, and from being proactive to evaluating our circle of concern and influence, to crafting our personal vision mission statement and identifying our center – we covered it all. Hearing the experiences of my colleagues enriched my understanding of these concepts.

One aspect that stood out for me was the exercise of identifying our rocks, pebbles, and sand, and the prioritization matrix. I believe this matrix will be a valuable tool in finding the balance between my personal and professional life.

Finally, I want to extend my thanks to Fountainhead School for providing us with the opportunity to learn and grow professionally.

7 Habits and Love Gama 2023-24

We had a productive and engaging time during your life classes after a long break. The focus on Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is evident in your description of the activities. Here’s a breakdown of the key points from your experience:

Habit 4: Think Win-Win: You engaged in discussions and exercises to understand how to turn various situations into win-win scenarios. This habit emphasizes the importance of seeking mutually beneficial solutions in interpersonal interactions.

Habit 5: Listening and Non-Verbal Communication: We learnt about the power of listening, both with and without words. Effective communication often involves active listening, which can help others calm down and feel heard.

Synergy at KG Farm: Our class participated in games at KG Farm with a focus on synergy. The initial focus may have been on winning individually, but as you progressed, you began to understand the value of working together and the power of synergy.

Games at KG Farm: These games included intense and challenging activities that tested your teamwork, coordination, and patience. Despite some setbacks, the overall experience helped your team build synergy and coordination.

Tug of War: The final game, tug of war, demonstrated the importance of synergy in achieving success. our team won most of the rounds, highlighting the effectiveness of working together.

Final Habit: Sharpen the Saw: We discussed the importance of self-care and personal growth, represented by Covey’s seventh habit. This habit emphasises maintaining and improving one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Movie Demonstration: We watched a movie that illustrated several of Covey’s habits, including sharpening the saw, beginning with the end in mind, synergistic, and seeking first to understand before being understood. This movie likely served as a practical application of the concepts we learnt.

Overall, it appears that our life classes provided valuable insights into personal development, effective communication, teamwork, and the principles of the 7 Habits. These lessons can be applied to various aspects of our life, including relationships, work, and personal growth.

7 Habits & Love – Gamma – Day 3 & 4

Day 3 & 4 of life classes were having lots of fun, enjoyment and laughter. In these 2 days I learnt a lot about remaining 4 habits – “Think win-win, seek first to understand and then to be understood,  synergize and sharpen the saw.

On Day 3 I earnt 2 habits with different activities also we played a game on listening or different types of listening also we played a role model of different types of listening.

Day 4 we started with games on KG farm. All the games which we have played was totally on the concept of all these 7 habits. The moto behind these games were to understand how we can apply all these habit in our life can make our life easy.

After that the activity was to invent any new thing in life and then group yoga we have done with the habit synergize. We saw a movie “Master Geeta Rani” was the best example of all the habits.

Over all these 2 days were really engaged with activities, games, learning and fun.

7 habits & Love – Beta

Day 1 & 2

The life classes as expected were extremely heartwarming..The ambience created by the facilitators, the content shared by them, the trust amongst the team members which led to such sharing and pouring out of their life experience, all these have left me enriched with memories. They’ve given an insight about how everyone is dealing with their problems and moving ahead. It reinforced the concept “this too shall pass”….a concept we’re all aware of, but need to be reminded of in times of difficulty. 

The session leaves me light hearted and with a new perspective. Will definitely try being more proactive and focus more on the rocks (important things) and pebbles and leave worrying about the sand.

I would like to sincerely thank FS and our facilitators JB and SS for giving us the opportunity to be a part of this. Looking forward to implementing all that I have learned in personal as well as professional life. 

Awaiting the next session.

7 habbits & love – Beta

Day 3 & 4 were fun. Reconnecting with old team mates felt good. A lot many things discussed in the life class, is what we know but the way its reiterated is probably what makes the impact. Going back with the hope that I’ll implement what i learned and that I am a better listener and team player when we meet next. And yes, thoroughly enjoyed the games. Heartfelt gratitude to the facilitators.

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