Unveiling Unseen Places

From the moment we stepped off the bus, the positivity was palpable. Not only did the ladies of the house warmly welcome us, but the children also showed genuine hospitality. Despite their considerable wealth, the Dholakia family chose to engage with us openly and share their rich family history, embodying the spirit of “Atithi Devo Bhava” (the guest is God). In a world where even siblings sometimes drift apart, their close-knit relationships with cousins and extended family were refreshing. They extend this same warmth and kindness to their employees, treating them like family and supporting them in various ways—such as organizing collective weddings, aiding during the 2008 diamond mandi crisis, and giving solar panels as Diwali bonuses. My key takeaway is the importance of giving back to society, just as we have been given so much.


Unveiling Unforseen Places

Today received an opportunity to visit SRK house Govind Dholakiya. We were warmed welcome by Dholakiya family. We were introduced the rootes of Family and the concept of living life with spreading happiness. Vision is most important thing for any business or life

The social work done by SRK was incredible. I like the way of upbringing concept in their child to face real world situation with rare contact of family to understand the world.

The lines of Govindkaka Chalse, Bhavase, Gamase, Favase and Dodase was the simplest, easy way to live healthy life style.

Unveiling Unseen Places

Visiting the Dholakia family was a remarkable experience. I had never encountered such a large and tightly-knit family before. Their deep sense of unity and unwavering support for one another was truly inspiring. Each family member shared their stories with genuine warmth and joy, creating a heartfelt atmosphere that felt both rare and precious in today’s world. The key takeaway from this trip was a newfound desire to organize a family reunion that goes beyond mere formality. I want to create a gathering where genuine involvement and heartfelt connection are at the forefront, much like the authentic unity and warmth I experienced with the Dholakia family.

Unveiling Unseen Places

Day 1 of life class:

Visiting K.G Farm with a fresh perspective was a truly tranquil experience. Previously, our explorations of K.G Farm were driven by specific objectives, but this time, approaching it with an open mind and no set plans allowed me to fully immerse myself in its beauty. As I wandered among the lush green leaves, vibrant flowers, and ripening fruits, I was captivated by the diverse tapestry of life around me. The experience of strolling along the trail, feeling the cool breeze gently brush against my skin, and embracing the weather in its prime was nothing short of mesmerizing. It was a moment of pure connection with nature, free from distractions and filled with awe. I look forward to discovering more places like K.G Farm, where the simple act of being present can unveil the hidden wonders of the world.

Day 2 of our life class began with a bang! We had the opportunity to visit a place brimming with heritage, culture, legacy, love, and respect: Dholakia Farm, owned by the esteemed Dholakia family and businessman Govind ji Dholakia. Surrounded by lush green trees, we entered a serene and peaceful environment. The people welcomed us with warm smiles and greeted us with folded hands.Our first stop was a sacred place where a ‘Havan’ was being performed, a part of their daily routine. We were then guided to an area displaying their family photo and an ancient chest. I was in awe to learn that their family comprises 1,500 members who gather every year during Navratri. Admiring the beautiful architecture, we moved toward the dining area where breakfast was being prepared. The setup was exquisite, with tea brewed on a natural stove and a variety of authentic Gujarati food awaiting us. We were served with utmost love and encouraged to taste everything. Family members themselves served us with smiles, embodying the principle of ‘અતિથિ દેવો ભવઃ’ (Atithi Devo Bhava – The guest is God).Next, we visited the ‘ગૌશલા’ (gaushala) where we experienced a profound sense of peace while feeding the cows and learned about their organic farming and other sustainable practices. We were then taken on e-cars to their sports grounds, where we observed impressive sports tournament organization and the Geetha Rath.Returning to the main farm, we delved into the long legacy and traditions upheld by the family to train children for real life. The combination of love, care, respect, and holistic training at Dholakia Farm made this visit an unforgettable experience.

Unveiling Unseen Places Day 1&2

What an amazing beginning of Life Class!!

It would be undershoot if I said that we had a kickstart. From the unforeseen changes of bringing the life class a day earlier to coming out after meeting Dholakiya family and learning about their values and culture, was an amazing experience.

On day 1 we visited KG Farm, only this time it wasn’t with our students but for unveiling the place itself. Although we had seen KG Farm many a times before but this was a different experience because we explored the KG Farm on our own and observed the nature via a lens we hadn’t before. The uncountable species of butterflies, trees and all its flora and fauna were absolutely stunning. The monsoon winds only enhanced the beauty of the surrounding.

Day 2 began with trip to Dholakia family in Katargam area, and it struck all of us in awe since the moment we entered the gates of the house. A very warm welcome by the family members themselves made us feel special. They escorted us to a temple first where a Pooja was being held which is a ritual they follow everyday. Post the Pooja we saw their ancestral artefacts and a family portrait of over 1500 people clicked in 2019. Delicious Breakfast followed soon and we moved to see different parts of the estate they had. The family members showed us the videos of different functions they hold such as Ramnavmi, Navratri, RakshaBandhan and how it helps connect all the people of the family. We saw how the SRK foundation is working for the people and how Mr. Dholakia and his family truly believes in giving back to society and working towards betterment of all.

The experience of these 2 days was amazing and mind blowing and opened my mind to many aspects that I had not thought before one of which was service in such a direct way.

Visiting these places have truly unveiled something in me which I hope to discover throughout this journey.

Tale weaving

With much deliberation, I decided to participate in the storytelling session, and it turned out to be an incredible experience. We began our day with an ice-breaking activity, and within two hours, we became a non-judgmental, cohesive group. We delved into the elements of storytelling and honed our skills in keen observation, gaining a deeper understanding of the nuances in others’ behaviors and expressions. Thank you so much @sagar Gohil sir!!


The love classes, led by Mr. Wilmot and Mr. Utsav, were truly inspiring and offered valuable insights applicable to individual lives. The sessions commenced uniquely, incorporating a concept-driven story that resonated deeply with the topic of discussion. Furthermore, well-planned activities enhanced the connection to the subject matter. Both facilitators shared personal insights, allowing us to delve into specific points in greater detail. Participating in these life classes was a pleasure, providing a comprehensive understanding of this aspect of life, and I look forward to applying the lessons learned.

Reflecting on Brilliance: A Journey of Facilitated Learning

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats

As I conclude this transformative class, my gratitude extends to our incredible facilitators, Ms. Bhargavi and Mr. Bhumit. Beyond conventional methods, they infused interaction, hands on experiencing, humour and group tasks into every session, creating a conducive environment. Throughout the course, they adeptly integrated authentic videos and readings, seamlessly bridging theory with real-world applications. They guided us through explicit tasks and detailed explanations which served as lifelines through even the trickiest concepts. When navigating the scientific method, they provided a clear path and scaffolding by Ms.Bhargavi is commendable. While encountering knowledge potholes, participants were skillfully guided through the complexities, making these topics surprisingly comprehensible.

It’s not just about completing a course; it’s about igniting a lifelong love for learning. My personal take away from this class is the clarity of concept or practice of being extremely skeptical or gullible. Moreover, a clear vision of how EI and CT are connected can be seen now. Knowing a few technical terms (though have to refer to notes each time) would help in articulating the findings better in future run now. As I reflect on this educational journey, I’m immensely grateful for Ms. Bhargavi and Mr. Bhumit, who transformed a class into an enjoyable exploration of knowledge and passion.


In this class, we delved deeper into subjects of love, stages, major principles to survive the relationship. At first we pondered on the big question, why marriage is important for oneself. The few answers to it was Emotional Support and Companionship, Commitment and Stability, and others

We further went deep into studying stages of marriage life. Which is divided into 8 parts:-

  1. Falling in love
  2. honeymoon
  3. period of adjustment
  4. something is missing
  5. crisis
  6. forgivemess
  7. norming, performing
  8. attainment

Later we went to meet our new mentor parag sir, who gave an insight of types of relationships. Which are divided into mainly 3 catagorries. 1) kingly 2) friendly 3) beggerly.

A kingly relationship is where the purpose is solely to offer and serve without expecting anything in return, embodies the essence of selflessness and generosity. In such a relationship, one person adopts the role of a benevolent ruler, guided by a genuine desire to uplift and support the other without seeking personal gain or recognition. Here’s a description of this type of relationship. Unconditional Giving- In a kingly relationship, the giver offers their support, care, and resources unconditionally, without expecting reciprocity or acknowledgment. Their acts of kindness flow freely from a place of genuine concern and empathy for the other person’s well-being.

A friendly relationship built on the foundation of good bonding, no expectations, and true love is a beautiful manifestation of genuine connection and mutual affection. In such a relationship, both individuals prioritize nurturing a deep bond based on trust, respect, and authenticity, without seeking anything in return. Joy in Each Other’s Happiness: In this relationship, both individuals find joy in each other’s happiness and success. They take delight in seeing the other person thrive and grow, knowing that their love and support have played a part in their achievements.

In a beggarly relationship, the dynamic revolves solely around transactions, with little to no genuine connection or emotional investment between the individuals involved. Each interaction is driven by a desire to extract value or benefit from the other party, with little regard for mutual respect or reciprocity. Unlike healthy relationships built on mutual trust and respect, there is no genuine connection or emotional bond in a beggarly relationship. Interactions are superficial and lack depth, with little opportunity for meaningful communication or understanding.Give and Take Mentality: The relationship operates on a strict give-and-take mentality, where both parties expect immediate gratification for their contributions. There is little room for generosity or selflessness, as each person prioritizes their own interests above all else.

everyone of us shared insights from their lives about their undestanding about what type of relationships they have with people and it changes according to place, person to person and time.

later after coming back to class from break, we continued with what are the major roles of parents. We had few stories of people sharing their bond stories with their family or parents.

At the conclusion, we summed up with a video of sadhguru explaining how to become a good parent and saint gaur gopal das explaining you have to change first to change others.. because children are observing and learning, that’s an important point. Children are highly observant and tend to mimic the behavior of their parents and caregivers. Modeling positive behavior sets a strong example for children to follow. It’s essential for parents to be mindful of their actions and strive to demonstrate traits such as kindness, patience, empathy, and resilience, as these qualities can have a significant impact on a child’s development and well-being.

Critical Thinking-Eta Day 7 and 8

Over the past two days in our Critical Thinking Life class, we delved into the intricate realms of science and pseudoscience, unraveling the nuances between the two. Through rigorous examination and analysis, we learned to employ critical thinking as our guiding compass to discern between empirical evidence and unfounded claims, enabling us to make informed decisions. However, amidst this journey, we confronted the formidable barriers of knowledge, ranging from cognitive biases to societal conditioning, hindering our ability to think critically. By acknowledging these barriers, we embarked on a journey of self-awareness, striving to overcome them and sharpen our critical thinking skills. Furthermore, we navigated through the treacherous potholes of knowledge, understanding the importance of remaining vigilant and conscious of the information we encounter. Through introspection and reflection, we embraced the responsibility to question, challenge, and validate the knowledge presented to us, fostering a culture of intellectual integrity and discernment in our pursuit of truth.

All in all, this lifeclass helped me become a more informed individual.

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