Critical thinking Day7 -Ethical dilemmas

IN day 7 critical thinking class we undersatnd about The Trolley Problem: A Simple Guide to Thinking EthicallyHave you ever faced a tough choice where no option seems entirely right? The trolley problem is a famous thought experiment that challenges how we make moral decisions. by Trolley problem we understand sometimes it isn’t easy to decide what is ethically right.There are different ways to face ethical dilemmas People approach this dilemma in different ways
Moral Reasoning: The process of thinking through right and wrong in a situation.
Moral Relativism: The idea that morality depends on cultural or individual perspectives.
Self-Interest Theory: Suggests that people make moral choices based on personal benefit.
Deontology: Focuses on following moral rules and duties, regardless of consequences.
Utilitarianism: Aims to maximize overall happiness by choosing the action with the best outcome.
Rule Utilitarianism: This approach focuses on following rules that lead to the greatest good instead of judging individual actions.
my learning from day 7 class was-
Understand different ethical viewpoints.
Think more critically about consequences.
Recognize our personal biases.
Make more informed moral decisions.

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