The so called ‘Doctrines of Piety’
God, divinity, beliefs and religion these terms seem closely interwoven but not really so. Borrowing a line from the movie OMG, most of us are “God fearing people and not God loving people” and this is reflected in our interactions with the so called Higher Being”.
I have never questioned the existence of God. He is there, where I do not know, whether up there or within me or around me or everywhere. Religion and religious beliefs are something that I have questioned since a long time. I believe that religion is more convenience based rather than belief based. It is more convenient to follow than question. When you question you risk disapproval, disdain and even plain boycott. Being social animals we prefer to remain withing the folds of society rather than plainly rebel. We try to make peace with what is happening rather raise inconvenient often blasphemous queries.
These two days of Critical Thinking classes have reinforced some of my convictions. There can never be one size that fits all as far as religion and beliefs are concerned. There has been social pressure on me from time to time to succumb to a lot of rituals because ‘good believers’ have to follow the path. That is the only way to salvation. These discussions have strengthened my resolve that the path will be difficult but that is the one I choose to tread. There will be backlash too, but hey, what is life if all is too rosy! Religion needs to be questioned and I am ready.
Ayman Shaikhmahmud
Forming/Living in a social group is not necessary for survival anymore. Completing agreeing on “There can never be one size that fits all as far as religion and beliefs are concerned”, many factors like the upbringing of an individual, social pressure, circumstances, place and most of all, the choice of an individual will affect their actions. Still, the understanding behind the reason of those action is a wisdom to hold.
” I believe that religion is more convenience based rather than belief based”. I agree to your statement and this has resulted in God fearing people and selfish ones. I was once watching “Savdhan India” and saw how blind religious beliefs converts a man into a killer. At the same time when I read or watch videos of Sadhguru or others whose blogs I enjoy reading, it again questions by belief of “God” but my views on religion are very clear. Still as you say, the journey of exploration continues.