Critical Thinking Reflection D3 and D4

What excites you the most about being part of this CT life class?
This class has a way to make you think differently. The discussions we had in the two days were enriching. The sharing also made me think of how 1 thing can be thought of in so many different perspectives. It has taught me to pause, process and research any information or fact thoroughly. I absolutely enjoyed learning about logical fallacies which has become somehow a part and parcel of how we perceive things. To learn about biases and logical fallacies was the most exciting part and I have often gone back to them and even discussed the same with my constants on how we tend to use it in different situations! Now most of the time when an opinion comes to my mind, I love to sit back and analyse if there is any logical fallacy puddle I have slipped in while forming that opinion. This class has stretched my mind in many ways and have done so in the most delightful way!

What are your key takeaways from Day 3 and 4 of CT life class?

Research is extremely important when we are taking in any information. The activity where we murdered our darlings was enlightening, how often we fall in to the charms of good marketing and dont focus on whether we should really be using that particular product. It was fascinating to learn how we dont really use our second type of thinking here and how most such decisions are just based on impulse and they may be actually having a continuous impact on our lives. The knowledge continuum activity was also a lot of fun. To actually understand the sentences and make careful choices really helped in molding how we use words while expressing opinions and facts. These two days have been full of learning for me and I am looking forward to the rest of the class.

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