7 habits+ love (life class) – session 1 and 2

I would like to share my incredible experiences of 7 Habit+Love Class.” The sessions helped to start the journey of self-discovery. Learning about being proactive taught me that I have the power to choose my responses to life’s challenges. I feel more in control, confident, and capable of facing any situation that comes my way. The time management aspect of the 7 Habits was an absolute game-changer for me. I learned to identify my priorities, set clear goals, and manage my time effectively. The Classes were a revelation for me, especially the segment on empathic listening. I realized that while I thought I was a good listener, I often found myself lost in my thoughts during conversations. Learning to listen with genuine empathy. I am now more patient and understanding, and I see how this simple change has made a positive impact on my interactions. The sessions allowed me to explore the concept of self-love and self-care in a profound way. I understood the importance of nurturing myself, mentally, emotionally, and physically.  The classes helped to embrace personal growth, and cultivate love and empathy towards ourselves and others. we are incredibly grateful to have been a part of this empowering experience.


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