Critical Thinking – Balancing the thoughts
After attending Emotional Intelligence last year, this year Critical Thinking has expanded the knowledge horizon exponentially. While last year we focused a lot on well-being and care of feelings, of ours, others, this year it was all about questioning the existence, think what is shown/ presented…
Already as IB educators, we inculcate CT a lot in units but this time CT in normal life was thought-provoking. Thinking critically, thinking hard, and discussing with others have proven fruitful to change the perspective further. Thank you to all the facilitators.
“CT is normal life was thought provoking” – I completely agree to this statement as during and after this workshop I would keep thinking about what we have learned during the day or also look at certain situations from the critical thinking perepctive.
I totally agree Critical thinking is the analysis of available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a judgment.