Key takeaways – The one minute manager (book by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson)
The best thing about this book is that it is not at all complicated and the techniques shared are also interesting as well as worth implementing in actual. One minute management, the basic concept of this book is a management methodology that can make employees happy and productive with one-minute interactions.
Principles like honesty, integrity, being proactive etc are important for success and also the author shares three exciting techniques which can be quick but the impact can do wonders for the team, managers and the Organization as well. The first point is that employees can be handled with care and respect. Point two is how reprimanding someone for their performance should take no more than a minute and finally how to review an employee’s performance goal in one minute.
I found it interesting that how timely appreciations and praises for even small achievements can motivate an employee and it can result in more efficiency and productivity from the same person. Does not matter even if the praise and appreciation for any person is short and quick.