Critical Thinking Sessions: A journey worth remembering!!

We have reached almost the end of the journey for our Critical Thinking sessions. I got exposure to a lot of things, some of which I already was aware of but didn’t have a name for it and some things were new as well. But, one thought that still lingers with me is, like there isn’t black or white in everything and more of a grey, similarly we have to be mindful and balance critical thinking else it will turn into overthinking without us realizing it. The mindful and elaborate discussions on implicit bias or being self aware will stay with me. I am slightly more aware of my biases or the so called ‘thorns and pains’ in my life, but I’ll definitely need more time and conscious efforts to find ‘Adrocles’ in me. These sessions, discussions and the variety of perspectives that we get to hear during the discussions, definitely helps in building a better understanding of things around us and widens our horizon thereby making us a better person.

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