The Happiness Project

Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions – Dalai Lama.

Reading books has always been an integral part of my life and has always helped me grow. The Happiness Project helped me reflect on my day-to-day experiences. I could very well resonate with the author and some of the examples that she shared, really hit me hard. What impacted me the most was the difference between a goal and a resolution. Quoting from the book, ‘You hit a goal, you keep a resolution.’ When I read this, I decided to make resolutions, rather than goals. 

The book was very inspiring and some of the messages that I got from the book are: 

Be yourself.

Try and work out what makes you happy.

One of the best ways to be happy is to make others happy.

One of the best ways to make others happy is to be happy myself.

One comment

  • Thank You Pinky Mam for sharing the Dalai Lama’s words of wisdom – Happiness coming from own actions… one more gem to remember to take actions and choose to be Happy.. And Yes Indeed, the book is inspiring!

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