My happiness project

Gretchen Reuben’s book “The Happiness Project” has helped me discover my original simpler self – someone who had a lot of clarity was able to let go of things, was spiritual and content; someone who appreciates their peace of mind more than anything else. But somehow as I grew older, I lost sight of that side of me. I am glad to have read the book in that sense. Over the course of reading this book, I have been able to reawaken the writer in me as part of my happiness goals. I have realised that reading and writing are what give me joy and I need to necessarily make time for both despite the rut of life.

It has been a very pleasant experience – sharing with colleagues about their lives in an unstructured manner. Essentially reading the book seems to have helped all of us – more or less – reflect on our lives and speak about those reflections, connect it with other things we have seen or read and bring those connections to the discussions. I have really had a good time discussing the book with all my colleagues in the group and I appreciate all of them for the support they showed each other during the course of the discussions.


  • Kavita Rakesh Agarwal

    Yes i agreed that unstructured manner of sharing the experiences is more fruitful. It helps us to see the connections and can brainstorm our way of thinking. I enjoyed sharing and learnt a lot.
    I always believe that put yourself first and work for spiritual growth which automatically eases down your way of life.
    if immunity is strong then corona kya cheez hai.
    If your inner strenght is powerful then happiness is easy to achieve. Strenght comes from spiritual growth.
    Go ahead on this path …..

  • All the best for your book, Subhalaxmi ma’am. I trust that your book will soon be published and will be on the bestseller list.

  • Shubhalaxmi Mam, you have been always a mentor, a guide, not only to me but many.. Thank you for facilitating us and sharing your insights… I wish you Happiness All the Way Ahead In Your Life!

  • Yes, it was a wonderful experience attending the happiness project sessions and glad that you are now determined towards your passion (reading and writing). Interacting with you there is no doubt that you are sorted, have clarity & the courage to face the challenges.

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