Happiness is a feeling, which is Eternal, it means it does not depend on things, situation, society, paradigm, or culture. Happiness is a state of bliss or mindfulness.

I think the book is good to read.

I have 4-5 points to follow for my happiness—-

  1. Simple life, High thinking means fewer needs
  2. Ask from others or demand if it brings happiness
  3. Healthy lifestyle- exercise, homemade food, meditation, and reading inspirational books
  4. Less is more, the mantra of life, means do qualitative work and do for happiness, not as a burden. It applies both in personal and professional life
  5. live for your happiness first or find happiness if you are doing any task otherwise say no
    I know a little bit difficult to achieve but surely achieve.


  • Kavita maam your attitude towards your own happiness is nothing short of inspirational. It is an attitude that is rarely seen in women who always seem to feel guilty when they put their happiness ahead of their family. Keep up this spirit and keep inspiring people around your like you have inspired me.

    As for your goals, I can see that you have made fewer and manageable goals, something that I have been aiming for.

  • Kavita ma’am, you are quite sorted and clear when it comes to what do you want in life. Well reflected and shared during the workshop. Your stories in form of analogies were really helpful.
    You inspire people!

  • Kavita Mam, Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience very honestly… I am also inclined towards spirituality so I have always enjoyed the sermons! In the past, few times, I overheard you talking to your team and I secretly stole some inspiration from there as well.. I hope to have more opportunities to learn from you and more importantly apply it my life. Thank You for being with us.

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