Reflection of ” Who moved my cheese”. -Short Books-

Title of the book: Who moved my cheese?

Author: Dr. Spencer Johnson

The genre of the book: Self-help

Key Characters of the book: Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw represent the simple and complex parts of ourselves. Sniff represents someone who sniffs out change early. Scurry represents someone who scurries into action. Hem represents someone who fears and denies change. Haw represents someone who learns to adapt in time when he sees change can lead to something better.

The plot of the book: “Who Moved my Cheese?” is a simple story that reveals simple profound truths about change. It’s a fun story of 4 characters who live in a maze and look for cheese (job, money, relationship, etc.) to keep themselves happy. The story revolves around how each character reacts when an unexpected “change” in circumstances deprives them of the cheese that they loved so dearly. Their reaction to the situation gives away valuable lessons that can help one discover for himself how to deal with change so that he can enjoy less stress and more success in his life.

Personal opinion about the book: We all know that CHANGE is inevitable so we should anticipate changes in our lives and be prepared to adapt to them. We need to enjoy the process, the adventures of life.

Have you read something like this before?: I was able to relate the book “Feel the fear and do it anyway”.

Should people read this book ?: Everyone must read this book.

Key takeaways: 1. If you do not change, you can become extinct. 2. Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old. 3. Imagining yourself enjoying the new cheese leads you to it. 4.Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again and again.

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