Who moved my cheese!!!

“Who moved my cheese” is the story of very interesting four character. Sniff – who understand the change is going to happen. Scurry – who takes action quickly and adapt the change. Hem – who is having fears and not ready to accept the change. Haw – who is ready and learns to adapt things in time when he feels change can lead to something better. Maze represnt the world or we can say the enviorment we are living or working with. Cheese means job, money, position, love,health etc which keep ourselves happy. Uncertainty of getting success is very scary to move through the maze. We all are set with some mindset and we not want to come out of our comfort zone. We should not get into fear instead we have to think how to move on so things become easy and get success. We need to find our way in the maze and succeed in changing times.Things are changing constantly so we must adapt. The quicker we adapt a change the more satisfied will be with.

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