Time to reflect!!

Hello fellow critical thinkers,

Finally after procrastinating a lot, here’s is the time when I actually grabbed the opportunity to share an example where I applied my critical thinking skills by keeping all the biases aside.

Soon after our sessions on CT, our academic year began. I started working with my team enthusiastically to help them overcome all the road blocks. One of the team members struggled a lot in different areas and faced a lot of hiccups. We are all driven by different biases and so was I. A courtesy bias is the tendency to give an opinion that is more socially correct than one’s true opinion, so as to avoid offending anyone. I was a victim to this bias. Despite seeing what was happening, I gave a number of chances as ‘Courtesy Bias’ was dominating (which somewhere also stopped me from giving constructive feedback). Later, after a lot of analysis and critical thinking, I sought guidance from the higher authorities. We analysed what was at stake and made a hard decision which was required- keeping the bias aside.

– Pinky Shah




  • Is n’t possible that your actions before you took guidance from seniors would had worked for some other person facing the same situation, however you mentioned that it did not go well with the person as mentioned in the post. In short, the action & reaction might differ from person to person.

  • Yes, I agree. But may be the amount of time invested in taking the right action could have been minimized if this bias was kept aside.

  • Shezin Siganporia

    Well I can completely empathise with you. I have often seen this bias overpowering especially when its time to give feedback. Maybe emotions play a major role in way we take decisions. It is essential to keep reminding ourselves that both reasoning and emotions should have balanced proportion in our decision.

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