Critical Thinking – Default effect

Most of the times , it happens that we don’t actually question the practices that we are following since years – Default effect : ). We generally get dragged with the processes that are continued since beginning, assuming that it has been happening since years now and that has to be the best.

The same happened with me too. I generally do not ask much questions or rather raise a question on the things that are followed since years.

But this time, I got a good food for thought by my coordinator and I really ended up doing critical thinking whether there is any need for taking up the ICT for our G 1 kids.

Being in school since few years now and knowing the fact that our school is a techno school, thinking of removing ICT was a big NO… my mind. But I still felt like giving it a thought!!!

I further took it up to my team and juggled in understanding whether it is relevant and significant for students to handle Chromebooks at this age.

We evaluated our own assumptions / ideas / views and decided finally not to have it as students are very young to handle it at this age.

Once the decision was made I felt happy that oh…somewhere I used my critical thinking skill. Thanks to the workshop.



  • Shezin Siganporia

    Yes being skeptical to some extent helps. I am glad you were able to analyse the situation and didn’t let confirmation bias (of being techno-savvy school so can’t give up ICT) distort your thought process.

  • I agree with you and even I have started questioning or finding out reasons (when my mother and her pandit fail to give me a rational answer) for why we do certain rituals or follow the certain practice. My mother is a little concerned about this behavior, but one day I will make her a critical thinker with logic and reasoning.

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