Framing !!!!!

First of all, would like to thank Mariyam maam & Shezin maam for the wonderful first session of CT workshop. The next session is approaching & looking forward towards it. It was really interesting, different & most importantly had an impact towards the thinking pattern. Recently appeared for the quiz shared with us & the outcome was Framing…….. Is it ? How could it be ? Let me again check ! These were the reactions once I submitted the quiz and came across the result. Agree to a large extent now & Framing is actually a bias in which brain makes a decision on the basis of information depending upon how it is presented. We respond differently on the basis of the information which could be presented either in positive or negative manner.

Maybe, if a franchise owner approaches a aspiring Footballer to join his team, the player might refuse if he presents his teams performance this way ( the team lost 9 matches out of 20 matches played last year). On the other hand, he might accept the offer if the record is put the other way like ” the team won 11 matches out of 20 last year”.

However, the record & outcome is same but put up in different ways.




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