God? A never ending debate!!!

I used to believe that yes – God does exist and a ledger is being maintained by him. Idol worship was practiced by me and I wholeheartedly participated in a lot of pujas, havan and many other such practices. I used to observe fasts, pray, visit temples religiously and have done many more things in the name of God. Today I do question the existence of God (I don’t know is someone really there sitting up in the sky; keeping an eye on me and maintaining my ledger). But yes – there is some supreme power which is over and above human power. 

People around me are still grappling with their blind beliefs – going to pandits and do not critically evaluate and look for “disconfirming” evidences. I constantly squabble with my family, explaining them the reason behind why have I stopped many practices in the name of God (idol worship, pujas, havan, fasts, etc.), but at the end I can just show them the way and guide them to think critically. I can’t force anyone. I still participate in few gatherings where customs and traditions are blindly followed, just because my parents are happy with my presence, but believing in these customs and traditions is still a question, that needs to be answered!



  • Agreeing to what written above ” going to pandits and do not critically evaluate and look for “dis-confirming” evidences.”
    They are not always true or even their predictions are not accurate, its just the matter of chance that they get to say something and that comes true and you become the hardcore believer of that priest, you wont even give a second thought to it when his predictions goes wrong.

    Look for co-relation Vs causation! Think critically.

  • Priyanka Vijay Chhabra

    I understand your situation Suruchi, as I am facing the same. I do question to my nani- if you have complete faith in God then why are you scared all the time- but then I never got an answer. Instead, she would say ‘ you should devote some time for god as it will benefit me with good health- wealth and my all problem will disappear.’ I don’t understand how by sitting in front of god and saying mantras 108 times- my life would be PERFECT.

  • Juganu Nitin Shah

    Yes I do agree with you that nowdays pandits charges are like consulting doctor .I have spent lot of money after this pandits ,they make predictions that you have chnge in life ,and to have better life we go behind them ,

  • I too believe that goings to pandits and asking for solution of problems makes no sense. it is just a way for them to earn money by fooling people.

  • Agreed to what you say about the so called ‘pandits’ who charge you like anything and that too as per their timings.
    How can any human being change my life in a spur of moment or judgement of his eyes? It’s only me who can bring the required change in my self and no body else.

    So I strongly believe, ‘Karma kar, Fal ki Ichcha mat rakh.’

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