Who created Whom?

I wish if God really existed and somehow he completed my task of writing this reflection! I know someone may argue God has many other important things to do… Really?? What important things?

Till now my stand was very clear. I will not interfere with ideas and opinion people have about God, rituals or religion as they really don’t affect me. I had the liberty to follow things I wished to and never forced into anything against my wish. However out of love and respect I do follow some of the rituals or visiting fire temples with family. This is just to spend time with family and I feel there is no harm in doing so.

However now after so much of discussion on this topic in CT class, I have started reconsidering my way of dealing with these situations. I have become more conscious, I am not sure if just going with the flow will cause any harm in long run? I am unsure if it is really required to seek answers to questions like “Is it really essential to know if God exists or not? God created us or we created Him? Is it fear of unknown or just to get peace and happiness? If I don’t follow or worship God will he/she/it harm people around me? Is it really worth experimenting with God and beliefs associated with God?”

It was all smooth till now. I was happy with my beliefs, but thanks to this workshop!




  • Fighting against the odds is challenging, which is not necessary at all times. But I think in order to grow, we should surely question our own paradigms and understand where they come from. Ignorance is bliss…..does not hold true for us anymore – the critical thinkers.

  • Subhalaxmi Iyer

    This is not about your post. It is in fact in response to all the posts that I am reading. I do acknowledge that I am not a staunch believer…but it looks to me like being a sceptic seems to be the order of the day – as if it is the latest fad. After we experiment with belief and then reject it, and then try atheism (which we can’t seem to reject, because that seems the order of the day) – we may see that neither bring the peace and happiness that we are looking for. Atheism doesn’t even leave us with an Anchor – if we are given to holding on to things, looking for support. The safest bet (maybe incorrectly so) then seem some semblance of hope in our Belief in God. Which is probably what millions of people in dire straits and desperation are latching on to…

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