Storytelling Workshop Day 1&2

I thoroughly enjoyed the first two days of the storytelling workshop. We began with an ice-breaking game involving passing a ball and following actions, we then create and dramatize a story. We explored key story elements like exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Additionally, we analyzed a video using the 5 W’s and watched the movie “Tamasha,” which provided valuable insights into storytelling.

Story Telling

Day 1 & 2 – Day filled with learning with a lot of fun and enjoyment where the elements of story telling were explained in detail and also the activity of telling 1-1 line by each participant to create a whole new story was very exciting. The same story was then converted to a short drama and all participated enthusiastically. The art of making a story using the structure was explained very well. All in All 2 great days filled with learning and fun and the facilitator’s way of engaging each participant and make them participate is really appreciated. Thank you very much Sagar sir for the great work.

  • By Samkit Shah

Story telling

With much deliberation, I decided to participate in the storytelling session, and it turned out to be an incredible experience. We began our day with an ice-breaking activity, and within two hours, we became a non-judgmental, cohesive group. We delved into the elements of storytelling and honed our skills in keen observation, gaining a deeper understanding of the nuances in others’ behaviors and expressions. Thank you so much @sagar Gohil sir!!

Story Telling

I am a person who has no idea about any art forms but in these two days in the workshop of story telling I got to learn some technicalities of how stories are actually told, how the introduction should be done when you tell a story, how the content should be delivered in a way where any person can easily comprehend, overall these two days I got to learn something for myself.

unwilling unseen places

Today, I had the opportunity to truly immerse myself in a profound “Life Class” experience titled “Unveiling Unseen Places.” Our visit took us to the heart of Surat city, to the Dholakia family farm home in Katargam. Their legacy and values deeply touched me, and each moment spent there was filled with positivity and invaluable lessons. While I have always looked up to role models whose stories inspire me to keep pace with the modern era, today I encountered a real-life role model who showed me the importance of slowing down and cherishing life’s true treasures: family, health, and values. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said, “The only way to have a friend is to be one.”

I would really want to take away one thing and would like to adress the same thing to other people that your character and nature plays more important role in your life than your appearance. It costs nothing to be kind to be honest to stay grounded.

Unveiling unseen places

Day 1: I had a delightful time walking through the farm, surrounded by various trees, flowers, and the diverse melodies of birdsong, while observing butterflies of different colors and sizes. Despite having visited KG farm before, this experience felt uniquely different.

Day 2: Visiting Dholakia farm – It was an honor to meet Govind Dholakia, who believed in a large family which consisted of more than two children in a family. He emphasized staying connected with family members through heartfelt bonds, instilling values, remaining grounded in their roots, and passing on culture and values to the next generation.

Unveiling Unseen Places

During the first two days of our life class, we visited two remarkable places. On the first day, we enjoyed a peaceful nature walk at K.G Farm, where we observed many birds and insects and tasted a variety of fruits.

Day 2 was an incredible experience for all of us. We visited Dholakia Farm, where we encountered a beautiful blend of family values and culture. The strong connection to their roots and the exemplary behavior of the people were outstanding demonstrations of legacy, respect, and humanity.

Unveiling Unseen Places – Kaushal Sailor

First of all I am very happy to choose this life class. This will be a good and nice experience in our life.
First day : There were one activity to decode the some one password. We enjoyed it. I think the purpose of that activity is was to know the other person and his or her thinking. So it will connect you to each participants and you have that friendly zone. Second the nature walk in KG farm , I have not that much interest in the trees and plants but when i walked there in silent it was a very good experience for me as i found the real peace and me time for me.
Second day: We visited to Govindbhai Dholakia house. I liked the welcoming, breakfast, guashala visit, and the last the presentation of their journey till now. They are so down to earth and humble. I have seen the values in each and every person there. I also wanted to follow in my life.
Thank you so much priti ma’am and shalini ma’am.

A Dream Visit to the SRK Family Home

Today, I had an unforgettable visit to the Dholakia(Govind Laljibhai Dholakia) family home. The warm welcome we received was truly heartwarming. They served us a delicious breakfast of bhakhari, fafda chutney, patudi, sukhadi, mohanthal, and tea prepared on a traditional chula. We visited their goshala, played with cows, and saw the smallest cow in the world. Each cow responded to its name, showcasing their unique bond. We also enjoyed a ride in a POLO car.

Listening to their stories was fascinating and deeply impactful. We found that they still believe in and uphold their ancestors’ values and way of living. This visit reinforced the importance of connecting with our culture and understanding family values. It taught us that core family values can help achieve anything and reminded us of the importance of contributing to our heritage.

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