Story-telling: Amee Vyas

It’s not magic that takes us to another world. It’s story-telling.

Val Macdermid

I kept story-telling as the last option. But it turned out so nicely that now it makes me believe that this was the best decision to choose story-telling as life class. It provided me an opportunity to connect with my inner world and explore the new horizon of being expressive with confidence. During the life class, Sagar sir helped us to introspect and gave us the chance to tell our story in a unique way. I learned different technical aspects of story-making, like the 5 Ws, story structure, and what to observe and keep in mind while you are telling a story to the audience. After having these 2 days of story-telling, I decided to try the techniques which I learned to implement while telling story to my daughter. I could see her expressions were completely different from the previous time I used to tell her stories. This time she enjoyed much. She was more curious about listen to me. She was so invested in the story and eager to know the next steps. So yes, I look forward to more story-telling sessions. As I mentioned in the quote, this life class will take me to another world for sure.

Storytelling sessions 1 & 2

We have started with the storytelling sessions and found them incredibly engaging. One of the highlights was the interesting activity where we created our own stories in groups and presented them as dramas. This made the learning process enjoyable.

We also delved into the structure and elements of stories, which provided a solid foundation for understanding what makes a compelling narrative. The first two sessions were captivating, and there was no moment where I felt my attention waver or bored.

I am eagerly looking forward to the remaining sessions and am excited to see what other insights and activities they will bring. Overall, it has been a fantastic experience so far.

7 Habits & Love – Beta

7 Habits – Alpha

In this two days life class session, we discussed the value of prioritizing tasks based on their impact rather than urgency. The session highlighted the significance of starting with a clear end in mind to be better equipped to align the actions accordingly. The key takeaways from the session –

1. Take Responsibility of your actions and Concentrate on areas where you can make an impact. Stop blaming others.

2. Focus on important tasks over urgent distractions. Organize tasks to align with the schedule. Learn to say no to non-priorities to stay focused.

3. Creating a Mission Statement works as a guide for decisions and priorities. By keeping the end in mind we can organize our tasks and complete it timely.

Personally, I found the discussion on prioritizing tasks particularly impactful. It challenged my existing strategies and provided actionable steps I am eager to implement. The session was a treasure of insights and it helped me learn many things about myself and my life and how I can work on it.

Over the past two days, our school conducted a series of workshops aimed at enhancing both personal and professional development for teachers. The sessions focused on Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and a “Love Life” seminar designed to foster a positive and fulfilling attitude towards life and work. These workshops were not only insightful but also deeply engaging, offering practical strategies and emotional well-being techniques.

Story telling workshop -Vinkal Magajwala

On the first day, our facilitator narrated his own story through a drama, which helped us all get into the storytelling mindset. We then created an instant story on day 1 and enacted in groups on day two. The sessions included sharing our childhood memories, watching short inspiring videos, and a movie. Overall, it was a well-designed, interactive experience. I am excited for more stories to be created and brought to life in future sessions.

Storytelling session 1-2

We have successfully completed the first two captivating sessions of our storytelling class, and what a delightful journey it has been! We thoroughly enjoyed the creative process of crafting and writing our stories, bringing them to life through performances, and exploring the art of storytelling. Additionally, we had the opportunity to watch a short film and a movie, which enabled us to make meaningful connections with the technical and creative aspects of storytelling. Through these experiences, we gained a deeper understanding of the craft and technicalities involved in weaving compelling narratives.


Story telling

I would like to thank Sagar sir for sharing his deep knowledge of story telling and made us understand the art of story telling. All activities were planned on a way that each participant participated and to get the drama out of our of the story that has no story was very well managed. All in all had 2 fun filled days with lots of knowledge of story telling

@Anil kalal

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