Integrity- Theta- 2021-22- Day 3

We identified the sources of our pain and fear by reflecting first on how a movie character: “Nanki” transitioned her pain into power by breaking existing paradigms.

I was able to think upon my own vulnerabilities and their root cause. We made a road map of pain to power by figuring out various steps that we would need to take to move from a position of pain to power. Pain is constant and ever-changing, by that what we learned is  how an old pain or fear will be replaced by a new one, however what is extremely important to keep in mind is that any real growth will only happen out of the comfort zone.

Pain to power

The session was enlightening as I identified my vulnerability. Though it was a minor thing, it hampered my growth, my mental peace. I brainstormed a few strategies to overcome my pain and how to convert it to my power. The movie proved to be a cherry on the cake where we could think critically and made connections with our lives.

#integrity theta

– Nami

Integrity Theta

Hello ! After movie and reflection in session today, I could sense how the mission statement aim at integrity pretty well. As a school employee, understanding integrity as whole is gonna help us identify our strength and add on postive dynamism in our life. Noticing how primary greatness can play vital role in one’s life and in that lines how doing needful timely can help us overcome barriers wil lead to balanced life.

Integrity Theta

3rd session of Integrity was amazing where we got to know how battling our pains/challenges makes us powerful. Adding to this wonderful experience, Listening participants stories and experiences helped me to understand how people perceive problems and deals with them with responsibility.

Integrity – Theta

Never thought I would be opening up about my life in front of others but this session on Pain to Power made me realise my fears and also helped me unfold my pain. The movie shown was hard hitting and brought back memories which I had intended to forget. However ignoring your pain is not the solution. The solution is to accept the pain the work on it to turn it into power. By writing down my journey I was able to realise my vulnerability and how it has held me back. Definitely the session was fruitful and it has given me something to work upon. I am confident and positive that by next session I would have moved a notch higher towards my journey to power.


It was good session about how to identify the pain and build a strategy to make it work and overcome it,  The graph of pain to power helped us to identify where are we standing and how to further work on our pain and gain the power. The movie was very much relevant and helped us make connections.

reflection of “the one minute manager”

The book “the one minute manager” as I felt is basically a journey for a beginner to ultimately become as efficient as a highly acclaimed manager of an efficient team. Once you start reading  the book, you put yourself in the place of the young man even without realizing the same. As a reader I started getting the feel that everyone who gets a chance to work with the famous “one minute manager” in the book, gets trained to become a “one minute manager ” by themselves at one point of their career and that is the prime success of this approach.  The reason that the recipe of becoming a “one minute manager” is so successful lies in its simple yet effective approach. Strategies like “one minute goals”, “one minute praising” and “one minute redirects” are not only good theoretically but also even better in dealing with practical situations because they are specific, on-time, justified and most importantly guide you more towards the solution rather staying behind with the issue itself. Though none of the strategies will sound alien or completely revolutionary, the simple solution is the best solution to deal at the workplace and the book says nothing more than that.  

Implementation of learmning

सीखना और उसे अपने जीवन में लागू करना वो लर्निंग प्रोसेस के महत्वपूर्ण पहलू है। सीखकर अगर हम उसे कही उपयोग में नहीं लाते  तो वह सीखना व्यर्थ होता है। इसलिए जब आज मुझे मौका मिला तो मैंने यह पोस्ट लिखने के बारे में सोचा।

स्कूल ने हमें जो ९ दिन दिए है (लाइफ क्लास के)कुछ नया सीखने के लिए उसके लिए मैं स्कूल की आभारी हूँ। जब मैं अपने PBL पर कार्य कर रही थी तब मुझे ‘Critical Thinking’ की learning बहुत मददगार साबित हुई।  जब मैंने अपने प्रोजेक्ट के लिए विषय का चुनाव किया, रिसर्च शुरू किया, रिफ्लेक्शन किया  तब मैंने बहुत गहराई से सोचा।  जब मैं यह प्रोजेक्ट पर कार्य कर रही थी मैं अपनी लर्निंग को अच्छे से कनेक्ट कर पा रही थी।  आपका धन्यवाद महोदय अमन जी और श्रद्धा जी।

Integrity – Eta

In life class we discussed on “judgement” and Shared problem of life.

I learned –

1. rejection, Pain,Fear  are comes regulary comes in life.

2.  “I will handle it”.

we seen 🎥 “Fatherhood” movie –  connect with the integrity topic.

We shared our point with our facilitator (Kavita Ma’am & Manisha Ma’am).


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