” Change is constant..!”


We would like to share a reflection about our life classes at FS for the support staff. The FS support staff has really taken to the understanding and learning’s of this exciting class. They have demonstrated a way of living their lives (not a drastic change as such..!) but one worth mentioning here.

For instance a few of the participants have instilled a time management skill amongst their families and have become more valuable to them than before. Some of them have shared their importance of their spouses and children’s in their life. They have confessed to us the changes they have experienced till date and most of them are living a new discipline in their day to day lives. In fact, they have become even better now that they have acknowledged their weaknesses and harnessed their strengths. In the past they were impatient with authority and change, but now they are more receptive to change and are handling it all very well, as told by them.

We are very proud to facilitate this classes teaching and are looking forward to the next classes! As are they – in fact they always ask us, ”when is the next class?”

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Best wishes,

Sneha Ma’am & Anwer

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