Endearing dear zindagi!

“Life class”… The most righteous name given to a class that changes your stance towards life. We all know how precious the life is but we often do not realize it till we are made to realize… Most of us merely survive and not live. Life classes helped me in living my life as it came and not just surviving it. By the end of just 8 enlightening days, it changed the way I see life now. I always loved this quote by Helen Keller — ‘I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet’ but never could feel the profound meaning it carried. When at life classes my colleagues opened their life’s books for us all to glance, I was suddenly hit by a reality check that yes I have enough things to be thankful about. 

Life classes also helped me to set my priorities and helped me organize my already settled life (at least I thought it was ;P until this happened). Reading would have helped but experiencing the lessons in real life by sharing with others made a difference. I would like to take opportunity to show my gratitude to FS for conducting something so fruitful and to Ravi Sir and Shraddha Ma’am for their consistent guidance and nurturing (read:facilitating) our life classes with their sincere efforts. To conclude, it helped me to endear my dear zindagi!

Best wishes,

Rashida Golwala

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