Geeta — Self Realisation

I read chapters of geeta whenever I was free as I have saved that in my I- pad. I must have read it many times to understand the meaning as people say that you cannot understand at one go. You have to read it many times and each time you get to know something new. So when we were told about geeta classess I was happy to join and eager to know something more. But as Mr Gaggan started the classess I found it very different and logical which could be understood in a better way and could be applied in our day to day life.

In the very first session of Geeta Mr Gagan mentioned about the book “How to Talk so  kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk” by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. It includes  fresh insights and suggestions as well as the author’s time-tested methods to solve common problems and build foundations for lasting relationships, including innovative ways to:

• Cope with your child’s negative feelings, such as frustration, anger, and disappointment

• Express your strong feelings without being hurtful

• Engage your child’s willing cooperation

• Set firm limits and maintain goodwill

• Use alternatives to punishment that promote self-discipline

• Understand the difference between helpful and unhelpful praise

• Resolve family conflicts peacefully

I have read 3/4 of the book and have started applying these methods in my family which has given positive results. Especially with my teenage son who studies outstation.

In mahabharat when Arjun was in the battlefield and confused as to how to fight with family at that time Krishna did not start preaching him as to what to do. Instead he let Arjun speak out his grief as emotions block the things we are supposed to do.Same thing applies when dealing with your kids if they are frustrated or confused donot just give them the solution let them talk and eventually they themselves come up with the solutions. Sometimes they donot want solutions they just want someone to hear them which most ofthe times is not done.

The other few interesting things which I learned are:

  • emotions does not allow us to perform our duty
  • inner growth has to be deliberated by us
  • desires that donot transgress dharma are good to have
  • to have good self esteem one has to be successful in one’s own eyes
  • you don’t have a say over the results of action at any time
  • you donot call the shots as far as results are concerned
  • focus attention on the process of learning and not result
  • you create your own destiny
  • anything coming from the lord is prasad
  • take advice from people who are warm towards you
  • live for the day; live one day at a time
  • anger is an emotion that demands expression, release it in a safe way
  • human beings have the privilege of being 100% conscious
  • if my happiness is not linked to the external factors, I am comfortable with myself
  • harmony is to be in touch with reality
  • ability to take the unpleasant with the pleasant is real success
  • raaga–what I want to have ; dwesha–what I donot want to have
  • advice is an insult to a person’s intelligence. If you want to help someone just listen to someone donot give advice


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