Happiness life class

The word ‘Happiness’ earlier I  understood that a smile on our face or laughing with someone, enjoyment but after joining this life class, there is a different meaning of Happiness.

In this session I learnt that when there is a peace in mind then you can feel happiness. When you are not affected because  of the actions of others and remain calm by controlling your emotions, it means you have self control . There is a power inside you which gives you the strength to live with your happiness and let it be in life as it’s going on because we can’t change the situations only we have to learn to survive according it.

I learnt Sudarshan kriya, meditation which helped me a lot to calm my anger and  gives me inner energy. I also learnt many assanas which help me to keep me physically as well as mentally healthy.

Through one activity I learnt many other things as we don’t need words to convey our message there are our emotions which put sense in the words.

Happiness session has shown me a path which can help me to lead a healthy and happy life.  I was thinking only what can I do to keep me healthy, how can I manage my stress, how can I get energy to do work, all these I am giftes from ‘Happiness session’

Thanks to all those who are involved to give me a wonderful gift of life.

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