Love the Life you Live!

Love the life you live. Live the life you love.- Bob Marley.

I appreciate the initiative of FS, wherein the School is not just concerned about the work we do but also about the life we live! And breaking or changing the myths/paradigms for our amelioration!

I always look forward to such sessions where I can be myself and need not to be perturbed how I might be perceived. The “Epsilon Family” now is close to my heart and I look forward to meet them as to some of them, I just happen to meet during these days of Life Classes where we share our similarities and celebrate our differences 🙂

Though I do not completely agree to the idea of love of  M Scott Peck, I particularly like this quote of him: It is only( if I might say mainly) because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually.

The most interesting part of Love Class for me was Forgiveness & Parenting.

Open your hands, if you want to be held.- Rumi

Though I thought I knew what forgiveness was all about, I realized and could practice it more perhaps (after the efforts of my facilitators- Falguni maám & Hasina maám and my other lovely colleagues)  of freeing oneself through forgiveness as someone rightly said:




Also the session on Parenting at certain point of times gave an altogether a new insight and I could overcome certain assumptions/ paradigms on Parenting. At times, it is lot more easier to treat a child as an individual in professional life but way back home, certain things are taken for granted and now I do make a cautious choice of respecting the child’s individuality at home too!


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