Critical Thinking (Theta) Day 1 and Day 2

The Day 1 and Day 2 critical thinking sessions explored the concepts of System 1 and System 2 thinking, demonstrating how these cognitive systems influence our daily decision-making. Reflecting on the session, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of how my thoughts and actions are shaped by these systems. For instance, I now recognize when I am relying on quick, intuitive judgments (System 1) and when I need to engage in more deliberate, analytical thinking (System 2). This awareness has already helped me identify moments where I might have otherwise fallen into cognitive biases. This has helped me me to make more informed and reflective decisions in both personal and professional settings.

7 Habits and Love

 I am truly grateful for the Life class experience . It was a happy, comfortable, and enriching environment. The inclusion of visuals, videos, activities, and games/energizers was an excellent way to capture attention and convey meaning effectively. The examples provided and the relatable life experiences shared were incredibly impactful.

The enthusiasm and willingness to bring about effective change in the participants were palpable. In our competitive and busy lives, it’s rare to find someone who listens to our problems or offers support. This class provided us with the opportunity to reflect on our ideal life and identify what prevents us from living it.

We explored concepts such as the paradigm shift, the choice between stimulus and response, expanding our circle of influence while minimizing attention to the circle of concern, taking the first step towards solving our problems, and recognizing whether our language is reactive or proactive. Writing a “hot letter” and contemplating the thoughts and feelings of ourselves and our loved ones when time is limited offered deeper insights into living a better life. The positive vibes were undeniable.

The beautiful integration of habits 1, 2, and 3 from Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” with real-life situations was particularly impressive.

I’d like to thank our facilitators Pooja Aggarwal Ma’am and Muskan Mittal Ma’am for this beautiful experience.

Reflection on day 1 and 2 of life class – Critical Thinking (Eta)

The session has made me a bit more mindful of how I approach daily problems and decisions. It has highlighted that adopting different perspectives — using a broader “lens”— is important for making good choices. Prior to this, I always relied on my gut instincts or habitual responses, but now, I recognize the value of stepping back and engaging in more deliberate thinking and it has sometimes helped me both in my professional and personal life.

For example, a recent situation where understanding System 1 and System 2 thinking helped me to take a very important decision about purchasing a new piece washing machine. My immediate response, driven by System 1 (intuitive thinking), was to buy the latest model because of the new features and the sleek design. However, I paused and used System 2 (deliberate thinking) to evaluate whether the features would actually benefit my wash time or not. This more thoughtful approach led me to choose a model that was more cost-effective also easier for my mother in law to use.

As for the subtle influence of politics, I’m still not sure about the political narratives and societal structures since I’m sttill a bit distant from the politics. But, somewhere it has affected the way in which I think about the educational structure of our country and even the fairness between different castes.

Yes, It has helped me but I’m sure that by the end of the year I’ll be more confident and independent in using my thinking skills in many of the areas both professionally and personally.

Exploring New Lenses Through Critical Thinking

Attending the recent critical thinking session was a transformative experience, one that has shifted how I approach daily problems and decisions. The facilitators delved deep into human brain development and posed puzzling questions that emphasized the importance of perspective in problem-solving. This opened my eyes to how viewing situations through different lenses can significantly impact the choices we make.

One of the most impactful concepts from the session was the distinction between System 1 and System 2 thinking. System 1 represents fast, instinctive, and emotional responses, while System 2 involves slower, more deliberate, and analytical thought. Understanding these two systems has already begun influencing how I tackle decisions, both in personal life and in the classroom.

Additionally, the session has heightened my awareness of how subtle political influences shape our thoughts and decisions. I hadn’t always recognized how much external factors could shape my responses and worldview. But now, I find myself questioning my own biases and considering where certain ideas originate. For instance, during a recent discussion about education policies at work, I was more open to exploring different perspectives, realizing that my previous opinions had been shaped by underlying political narratives I had taken for granted.

This shift in perspective has made me more conscious of how deeply ingrained systems of thought can influence our daily lives. By being mindful of both emotional and rational responses, I can navigate decision-making with greater clarity and empathy. I’ve come to appreciate how critical thinking allows me to step back, assess, and often find better solutions by not relying on my initial impulses.

In conclusion, this session has been a catalyst for a more nuanced approach to daily challenges. It has helped me recognize that the first response is not always the best, and taking the time to think critically can open up new, more balanced, and effective solutions.

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