Critical Thinking Day 1 & 2

The critical thinking class Day 1 & 2 helped to understand various types of biases that makes our opinion and also introduced to me the concept of system 1 and system 2 thinking. The discussion based on politics and astrology/ vastushastra also provided an opportunity to rethink on the existing beliefs and gave me some new perspective for the same. The movie Oppenheimer also helped to think critically in terms of ethical values. At times there is no black and white but the areas of your life are grey and opinions would vary on each and every persons perspective.  Read more

If you practice critical thinking, you logically connect ideas, scrutinize and evaluate arguments, find inconsistencies and errors in your work and the work of others, solve complex problems and engage in reflection.
What I learnt from these two days were that I don’t allow myself to go to some pandit, baba to solve my problems, as only I am the person who can work on them but there are many people who are grappling with some beliefs like we can not do pooja during periods, Different communities have to follow only their religion, Only particular reason is showing the right path, and Follow the authorities blindly without thinking logically etc.Critical thinking helps to be more open-minded and think logically about religion and beliefs. I will surely be able to question myself whenever I might have to take any decision about my beliefs.

Critical thinking : Iota

Critical thinking allows us to understand how we approach problems, analyze information, and make decisions. It allows us to question assumptions, evaluate evidence, and reach well-informed conclusions. In the two days of the class we learned how to gather unbiased information, evaluate it, generate possible solutions and choose the best solution. We are now more aware of biases. And that it is essential to question assumptions and claims, even if they align with our existing beliefs.
The movie allowed us to broaden our perspectives on importance of ethical decision making. Also how scientific research be subject to ethical constraints.

Unveiling Biases and Ethical Dilemmas

These 2 days of critical thinking were about confirmation bias, selective interpretation, and selective recall, as well as discussing ethics and morality in connection to scientific research after watching the movie Oppenheimer, it was an eye-opening and thought-provoking experience.

Confirmation bias, selective interpretation, and selective recall are cognitive biases that we all possess to some degree. Learning about these biases made me realize how our minds tend to favor information that confirms our preexisting beliefs and how we often interpret and remember information selectively, unconsciously filtering out conflicting or inconvenient facts. Understanding these biases is crucial in order to make more objective and rational decisions in both personal and professional settings.

The discussion surrounding the movie Oppenheimer and its connection to ethics and morality in scientific research was particularly impactful. The movie likely revolved around J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, and the ethical dilemmas he faced during his involvement in the Manhattan Project. Scientific advancements can bring great benefits to society, but they also raise ethical questions and moral considerations. Seeing how scientific research can have profound and far-reaching consequences, it becomes essential for researchers to uphold ethical standards and consider the broader implications of their work.

Overall, this life class session was a powerful reminder of the importance of critical thinking, self-awareness, and ethical considerations in all aspects of life, including the pursuit of knowledge and scientific research. This experience has underscored the significance of continuous learning and reflection, shaping me into a more responsible and thoughtful individual.

Thinking System – CT (Eta)

Our thinking system place a cruicial role while we make any decision. Its important that we develop skills to think critically to make informed choices.

As a part of Critical Thinking life class, we truly enjoyed deciphering identities of each other through secret codes, trying to know each other a little better. Followed by an activity based on our prior knowledge of critical thinking, we further build background knowledge (BBK).

Applying System 1 and System 2 of thinking, we could come up with many real life situation where we apply our thinking skills. But do we always think critically? Our emotions do take a high road, so do our personal bias. Need to re-work!!

Day 2 was Cheery on cake, starting with an amazing movie Oppenheimer. The Science and Politics behind creation of Atomic bomb during the world war ll was eye-opening. It led to multiple perspective wheather ethics should be taken into consideration while any scientific research takes place? Or do Ethics and Decision making goes hand in hand?

Overall I developed the skill to question my thinking skills and how should I further build on considering multiple perspectives.


Critical Thinking: Day 1 and 2

We discussed about the various facets of critical thinking and collated our thoughts and opinions using a mind map. We were shown various videos revolving around this topic and group discussions took place wherein people shared their understanding and reflections. System 1 and System 2 of critical thinking qas discussed. Its uses were highlighted by the participants. The next day, the entire batch went to watch the movie, Oppenheimer and post the movie a brainstorming session took place wherein participants expressed their points of view regarding some burning questions. All in all, the sessions were informative and enlightening.

Critical thinking Iota

Gives a good window to introspect our thinking. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Critical thinking is a skill which one needs to develop over a period of time through their own life experiences and exposure to varied scenarios. Preaching to open up your thoughts nd change mindset to what one has a long time belief in might not work for all is what I believe and some might not even connect it to so quickly. Hoping exposure is given to research and experiences to practice critical thinking is focused on in coming sessions more. Also kindly avoid religious discussions as it’s a very personal and sensitive topic. Even “open minded” western civilizations prevent from such open forum discussions if some of the demography is aiming for that.

Science: Morals/Ethics/Impact

The journey of any individual is juggling between Morals/Ethics/Implications. Your journey depends on the decisions that you take through the journey. Your decisions put any one of the factors in jeopardy. But, at the moment what you think and what factors affect the decision matters a lot. And also the perspective matters. But at times taking harsh steps makes the way for the further development.

Critical thinking – IOTA

Critical thinking helped me to understand how right decisions can be made by analysing situation critically and then coming up to conclusion. Knowledge of System -1 and System -2 thinking and how it have to be used for making better choices or decisions. As a part of CT session, we did a task of researching about vastushastra and astrology helps in predicting future. Doing research and finding out evidences and analyzing it using critical thinking  helped to reach conclusion. The movie also provided good insights related to same.

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