A few habits to increase your efficacy and efficiency:

After asking people about “life classes” and seeing their reactions,(most were bad, ) I was a little shocked of they actually went, and had a paradigm shift.

 For the first few hours, all I was thinking is” why are we just doing Masti and goofing out ” ? But it was the feciltators’ activities and engagements that were so incredible,funny and appealing. We shared our emotions,feelings and stories; some were sad while others were hilarious. All in all we had a good time.

We learned about the 1st3 habits namely:

1. Be proactive

2. Begin with the end in mind

3. Put first things first


So, the 1st day we learned about paradigm shifts and how putting yourself in people’s shoes was so beneficial and how eye opening that was for me , I also saw  how various things affects your choices, their types; which of them you should or should not listen to (circle of influence/concern, inside out approach and outside/in)

Furthermore, we learned about a few things that we can control and those we can’t control.

Ex: time , past future (which we can’t) and those like exercise, habits (those that we can)

Throughout the session I was constantly reminded of the quote:

“Where there is a will there is a way”


The 2nd habit reminded me with about the math, language and uoi backward planning sheet. I’m sure it was influenced by MrCovey.

It also reminds us of our purpose of why are we doing what  are and how are we accomplishing(the plan) To reach our destination .

The 3rd habit focuses on prioratizing on  what is important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important and the unnecessary (phaltu) things in life.

That’s all I could recall otherwise,the time I spent was mostly fun( because I hate to dance) and the engagements were very creative and fun.


I didn’t think I’d say this but I’ll be waiting for the next round.




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